9. I Regret Nothing

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"Interesting. so interesting." Justice remarked and Alicent stared back at Rhaenyra but now it was Rhaenyra that could not look at her. "Should we take a look at when your relationship finally severed?" Justice pondered. 

"It already had." Alicent realized. 

"Yes but you didnt know that back then." Justice corrected. "You still fought for her, told her father and your own Rhaenyra would be a good queen... bet you are rethinking that statement now." Alicent looked to her lap, she did. She regretted backing Rhaenyra, then and now. 

'What happened last night?' Alicent had questioned.

'What do you mean?' Rhaenyra countered. 

'My father has made some worrying allegations about you. Were you with your uncle?' Alicent remarked and Criston stiffened, Daemon chuckled not knowing this part of the story. 

'Oh, I...' Rhaenyra couldn't help but chuckle. 'I haven't seen him in years. He took me into the city for some fun.'

'Tell me the whole of it, Rhaenyra.' Alicent demanded

'Your father accused me of something. That I drank wine? Left the castle after dark?' Rhaenyra mused.

'That you fuckеd Daemon in a pleasure house.' Alicent corrected. A cackle left Daemon's lips. Justice glared back at him shaking her head. 

''This is a vile accusation.' Rhaenyra shouted back. It all felt so fresh, it was over ten years ago now but seeing and hearing her younger self, she regretted this day, that night, she wanted to yell to stop but knew there was no point when she saw the mischievous smirk on Justice's face. 

'Is it? You Targaryen's do have queer customs. And Daemon certainly knows no limit.'' ALicent had declared. 

"He doesnt know limits." Justice cut in. 

'Alicent... Your Grace, sister, you must know I would, I would never. You cannot believe such gossip.' Rhaenyra countered.

"Sister?" Justice cackled. "Oh, trying to dig yourself out of that hole. I mean honestly, whiplash Rhaenyra. You are mad and hate her than you pull the sister card as though you spoke more than three words to her in the past three years." Justice tsked. 

'My father is no gossip.' Alicent had declared. 

"No but he likes to spin things to his advantage. Rhaenyra saw that. Rhaenyra saw what Otto did." Justice cut in. "That you sweet girl, have a soft heart and just wanted to make everyone happy." Justice remarked and Alicent's heart bottomed out. 

"I did a shit job of it." Alicent whispered. 

"It's okay," suddenly justice was at her side offering her a handkerchief. "We have all been stupid for the ones we love." Alicent thanked her wiping at her eyes and justice was back at her podium. 

'Well, certainly he's been misled. He could not have witnessed such a thing.' Rhaenyra had proclaimed. 

'Why not?' Alicent retorted.

'Because it did not happen.'

'He was told that you...'

'Told? Who made these claims to your father?' Rhaenyra asked her anger growing as Alicent scoffed 'I am the Princess. To... To question my virtue is an act of treason.'

'I do not know specifically...''

'What, your father did not tell you?' Rhaenyra spat.

"You were feeling very victorious, what happened to that sister kindness but a moment ago?" Justice pondered. Rhaenyra was tongue tied, she never thought her actions, her past would come to bite her in the ass so much.

'So you are accusing me of slanders... you overheard?' Rhaenyra had shouted. 

'I only want to help you, Rhaenyra.' young Alicent assured she had just gotten her friend back and now these accusations were going to tear them apart. 

"I did." Alicent cut in. "I just wanted to help and I did, I convinced Viserys and it got my father thrown out!" Alicent shouted back at Rhaenyra, Aemond reached over grabbing her hand to comfort her and Justice awed when she saw it. 

"Thats a sweet boy right there." Justice remarked. "Go on." Justice urged. 

'Okay, we... we drank in a tavern. Several... taverns.' Rhaenyra had admitted 'It was getting late... and I asked to go home. But Daemon wished to continue. As he was my escort, I had no real choice.' Rhaenyra lied.

"Liar." Justice whispered. 

"Continue" Alicent shouted '... in a brоthеl?'

'He took me to a show. I... I was only a spectator. I didn't do anything.' Rhaenyra assured 'And then Daemon sank into his cups and, uh... abandoned me for some whοre. I should've known better.'

'So you did not?''

'Must I truly refute that? Daemon never touched me. Okay, I swear this to you upon the memory of my mother.' Rhaenyra told her defensively.

"Thats only a half lie." Justice offered. 

'It was foolish of you to place yourself in a position where your virtue could even come into question. The King has strived to find you a good match. And so have I. If that lord were to think that you had been... sullied... it would ruin everything.' Alicent reminded her.

'I know... Your Grace. I regret it.' Rhaenyra said but a voice boomed out around them. "I regret nothing. I regret nothing, I regret nothing." it echoed around them, Rhaenyra's head spun around trying to get the words to stop but she didnt know where it was coming from. Justice hummed her amusement, Alicent saw Rhaenyra's guilt plastered over her anxious face. 

"And because Rhaenyra is a big fat liar," Justice remarked.  "thats when you learned the truth from Larys." Justice realized. "And oh how that relationship took a bitter turn." 

"It did." Alicent admitted and Larys tensed. "Can you take a look..." 

"I would love to!" justice declared. Larys inched back but with a wave of her hand the doors slammed shut and Larys was trapped. Not that he could run from her. 

 ''Love... is a downfall. Best to make your way through life unencumbered... if you ask me.' Larys had said. 

''They're dead.'' Alicent realized.

''You've heard the stories of Harrenhal, Your Grace. It was built in hubris by Harren the Black as a monument to his own greatness. Blood mixed into the mortar. It is said to be a cursed place. That it passes judgment on all who pass beneath its gates.'' Larys remarked softly.

''You... You passed judgment.'' Alicent corrected through a whimpered voice. 

''The Queen makes a wish. What servant of the realm would not strive to fulfill it? I assume you will write to your father now?'' Larys questioned softly.

''Larys... I did not wish for this.'' ALicent declared, her voice cracking, how could he think such a vicious thing.

''I feel certain you will reward me... when the time is right.'' Larys assured. 

"YOU!" Rhaenyra shouted slamming her hands on the table as she stood up. 

"That's a confession." Justice declared. "I have heard a lot, and I mean a lot of confessions and that was- chefs kiss!" Justice declared bringing three pinched fingers to her lips and giving it a dramatic kiss. 

"Yes." Alicent agreed. "He confessed." 

"Great." Justice agreed. "Larys how do you plea?" 

"He pleads guilt." Alicent declared for him. 

"What?" Larys demanded.

"Larys, a life for a life. It only seems fair- too bad I can't kill you twice." Justice remarked calmly and with a snap of her fingers larys was on fire screaming and stumbling around. "I hate the smell of burning flesh." Justice groaned out as she waved a hand sending him out the window. "Much better."

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