11. Bronze Bitch

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"Oh I'm not done with my little Criston and Rhaenyra scandals." Justice assured as she looked to the appalled faces around her. "We are only just getting started. 

''I've heard you say so many times how you loathe the lot of your position, that you are to be married off at your father's whim with no thought given to the yearning of your own heart, and... now the day comes. Ser Laenor is a good and, and decent man, but you, you did not choose him. He was chosen for you.'' Criston remarked.

''That's true.'' Rhaenyra agreed.

''If there were another path... one that led to freedom... would you tread it?'' Criston offered and Rhaenyra stared back at him. ''Rhaenyra, before I came here, I was a knight in the Storm lands. I have deep knowledge of the port at Sun spear where I've seen the ships of Essos setting sail with their hulls full of oranges and cinnamon and I've always wished to see where they went.''

''Are you asking for leave?'' Rhaenyra questioned confused.

''I'm asking you to come with me... away from all of this. From the burdens and indignities of your inheritance. Let us leave it all behind and see the world together... where we'll be nameless, and free... free to go where we like, to love as we like. In Essos... you could marry me. A marriage for love, not for the crown.'' Criston reasoned. 

"Thats sweet." Justice decided. "he cared about you, you could have been happy instead, here we are. But that makes me happy." Justice assured. Again she looked to Aemond. "I swear honey, sweetie, baby I'm coming back to you and your Justice." Aemond nodded. 

''I am the crown, Ser Criston. Or I will be. I may chafe at my duties, but do you think I would choose infamy in exchange for a bushel of oranges or a ship to Asshai? It is my duty to marry a nobleman from a great house and Ser Laenor will make a fine husband. But my, um... my marriage... does not have to be the end. Ser Criston, Laenor and I have an understanding. I've granted him leave to pursue his own interests... and in turn, he's granted me the same.'' Rhaenyra had offered hopefully.

''So you want me to be your whοre?'' Criston had spat and Justice cackled out. 

"Oh thats hilarious considering Harwin became your whore after Criston rejected you and you will become Daemon's whore!" Justice laughed out.

''I want us to continue as we began, with you as my sworn protector, my white knight.' Rhaenyra corrected

''I took an oath. As a, as a knight of, of your Kings guard. An oath of chastity. I've broken it.'' Criston said in desperation.

''I won't tell anyone..." Rhaenyra assured.

"I will tell everyone." Justice cackled out.

''I-I've, I've soiled my, my, wh... my white cloak. And it's the only thing I have to my fսcking name!" Criston reminded her. 

''I, I thought if we were married, I might be able to restore it." Criston whispered. 

"Yikes, him?" Daemon laughed out and Criston scowled back at him.

"Daemon, Daemon, Daemon..." Justice cleared away the scene in front of them bringing them all back to the courtroom. "I could go on forever your crimes are certainly endless, from Mysaria, to Rhaenyra, to betraying Viserys but like the Muppet that he is he forgives you just for you to stab him in the back again but what hurt the most was Rhae Royce."

"Brozne bitch died." Daemon corrected.

"Lets take a look shall we?"

"You dont-" But they were in runestone and daemon grit his teeth. "Fucking hell."

'Husband. What brings you to the Vale?'' Rhae said stiffly as she looked down at Daemon.  ''Or have you at last come to consummate our marriage? The Vale's sheep might be willing, even if I'm not.'' Daemon approached her slowly.  ''Our sheep are prettier, after all.'' She recalled word of him saying that and thought she might throw it back in his face. ''Or perhaps your brother has at last had his fill of your company. Cast you aside in favor of a little girl.'' Daemon still said nothing as he got closer, her horses shifted uneasy before him.

Rhaenyra stared back at Daemon as he grit his teeth.

''What will you do now? Will you strike the child down? Or?''  Daemon lunged forward her horse bucked sending Rhae flying off getting crushed under his weight. Her horse whinnied as Rhea grunted, she winced, and whimpered as Daemon stepped down on her arm. Satisfied that she would die on her own he walked away.

'I knew you couldn't finish. Coward!" Rhae seethed back at him, Daemon turned back around. Fury in his eyes as he picked up a rock budging her.

"Daemon!" Viserys shouted.

"It was a long time ago, I forgot." Daemon offered.

"You killed your wife!" Alicent shouted.

"He did," Justice agreed. Daemon pulled dark sister from his hip and launched it Justice but she raised a hand, not even looking as it came flying towards her. She tsked, her fingers curled into a fist and she smirked as his blade turned to ash at her feet.

"My... my..." Daemon rasped.

"Somehow I think that this blade is more important than any person alive or dead to Daemon. Thats sad." Justice offered. "Moving on!" she declared her chipper tone back.

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