13. Protect

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 Fetish/ Larys Strong Out now!
Yes You read that correctly.

"You know what," Alicent was gaining a backbone and Justice loved seeing a woman find her power and strength. "Jace will never be king because you will never be queen."

"Yes!" Justice agreed clapping along. "Gods this is making me hungry, and thirsty." wine appeared in her hand and she took a long sip. "Lets stick with Alicent the badass because I like this woman in front of me now." Alicent smiled sheepishly back at her. 

''How sweetly the fox speaks when it's been cornered by the hounds.'' Alicent had hissed as they walked

''She is sincere.'' Viserys corrected. Rhaenyra's heard their words but her scowl was directed at Alicent still. She would be queen and she would kill Alicent and her children and anyone that dared make claims about her children, they were hers, they were Targaryen. 

''She is desperate. She feels the earth washing away beneath her feet and now she expects us to ignore her transgressions and for me to marry my only daughter to one of her... plain-featured sons.'' Alicent hissed and Justice chuckled a cookie appeared in her hand and she took a bite as she watched. 

''The proposal is a good one, my Queen.'' Viserys assured ''We're a family. Let us put aside these childish quarrels. Join hands and be stronger for it.''

''You may do as you wish, husband... when I am cold in my grave.'' Alicent hissed as she marched off

Justice clapped out nearly choking on her cookie. 

"Yes, that was chefs kiss beautiful!" Justice declared. "Oh, love that. Goodness this is most exciting trial I have ever been to!" she squealed out. "This is so much fun!" Justice met Aemond's gaze. "Sorry honey, I am coming back to your handsome face, I promise." Aemond nodded softly. 

"Arent you supposed to be impartial?" Rhaenyra hissed. 

"Oh, I suppose." Justice pondered that. "Jacaerys, Lucaerys, I like the tall dark and handsome, you are going to be pantie droppers if you life that long." Justice offered before looking to Rhaenyra. "Happy?" Rhaenyra gaped back at her. "Great because I dont live to make bitches like you happy." Justice assured. 

"Where is Laenor?" Alicent pondered. "Im sure he would have loved to see what his wife was up to all these years, hear the truth for himself." 

"He knows." Justice countered "But he still loves you boys, is that not sweet..."

''Dark rumors are hunting us, Laenor. They nip at our heels. Questions... about our sons' parentage. Vile, disgusting insinuations.'' Rhaenyra had hissed

''Insinuations, are they?'' Laenor mused leaning back in his chair

''They are our sons! Yours and mine. And their true father will not abandon them now to go carousing through the Narrow Sea, waggling his sword and winking at his sailors.'' Rhaenyra spat.

"Ser Qual. He is a handsome fella, its a shame, I feel like all the handsome ones end up swinging for the other team." Justice cut in. "Laenor is a handsome man, thats a shame too." Corlys swallowed the lump in his throat. "Laena choose the wrong husband but every girl is swayed by the bad boy." Daemon winked back at her but she rolled her eyes unamused. 

''I am a knight... and a warrior. And I have played my part here, faithfully... for 10 years. I am owed some...' Laenor had began. 

''You are owed nothing!'' Rhaenyra shouted. ''For 10 years, you have indulged yourself at court, bought the finest horses, drunk the rarest of wines, fuckеd the lustiest boys.''

''This was our agreement.'' Laenor reminded her. Viserys shook his head slumping back in his chair. 

''I have not begrudged you. But... you do not desert your post when the storm lashes.'' Rhaenyra hissed

''The wise sailor flees the storm as it gathers.'' Laenor countered and Justice made a note. 

"I'm going to use that in the future, I like that." Justice murmured to herself. "The wife sailor flees..."

''Very well then. I command you. As your Princess and the heir to the throne, you are commanded to remain in King's Landing and at my side.'' Rhaenyra demanded.

"Command you." Justice remarked with a huff "As the heir... you like to use that a lot." Rhaenyra glared back at her. "I'm the heir so you will do as I want."

"I'm the princess, the heir, I will be queen." Rhaenyra agreed. "People-"

"Rhaenyra..." Justice held up a finger silencing her. "Let me tell you what being an heir is. Being an heir is taking accountability for your actions that are considered a treachery within the Kingdom. Being an heir doesn't give you the right flaunt your privilege and do whatever you please." Justice corrected. "Like Harwin and your boys."

''Is Harwin Strong my father? Am I a bastard?' Jace had questioned looking up at her.

''You are a Targaryen. That's all that matters.'' Rhaenyra corrected and current Rhaenyra's breath caught in her throat. 

"Thats all that matters. Well I suppose thats what viserys thought too." Justice agreed. "And laenor forced that blindness on himself because he does love those boys. Its sweet really. You rhaenyra are not sweet." Justice decided.

"He was gone for moons-". Rhaenyra began

"And you loved when he was gone." Justice agreed. "You were free to do as you pleased and fuck your guard and you didnt think about the repercussions for your boys. How that anger would fester and grow with every comment slung at those boys. Your boys. Who you were supposed to protect."

"I did protect them." Rhaenyra corrected. 

"Wrong." Justice declared. "You trusted your daddy to fit your problems and he did, he kept the whispers at bay but now I'm shouting it from the rooftops." 


"Me." Justice agreed. She looked to Aemond. "You ready honey?"

"Yes, ma'am." Aemond answered softly. 

"Wonderful." Just agreed. "Now... My favorite part of trials." Justice declared. "The punishment." 

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