5. Blades

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"And last but not least." Justice looked to Luke. "Lucarys Strong-"

"Velaryon." Rhaenyra hissed. Justice rose a hand silencing her.

"You will have your time to speak. That is not now." Justice remarked politely. "Lucarys?"

"Hi." Luke whispered. she stared back at him. "Yes, thats me." Luke agreed loudly. 

"Right lets get right into it then." Justice decided. "Why did you bring a blade?" Justice questioned and Lukes gaze turned down. "Why did you bring a blade in the first place?" Justice pondered.

"I was nervous... I was scared." Luke admitted.

"Why get out of bed at all?" Justice questioned. 

"Baela and Rhaena got us up, they... they said someone stole their dragon." Luke reminded her.

"And you didnt think it would be wiser to get an adult?" Justice mused. 

"Thats why I brought the blade. For protection." Luke whispered.

"The girls got mad, they were shouting and they attacked him first." Luke declared pointing a finger at Aemond. "They charged first, I didnt even want to be there."

"And yet?" Justice countered. "You were the one that stabbed Aemond's eye out." 

"He attacked us!"

"It sounds more like defending himself." Justice countered. 

"You werent there!" Rhaena spat. Justice let out a sigh her eyes drifting between the children, Aemond was rather quiet though. 

"Lucarys... so let me get this right, they started it and if they were doing it then it must be okay for you to attack Aemond as well?" Justice pondered staring back at them. Jace silenced as he looked to his feet. "Just trying to clear things up." Justice declared. "So I suppose my question for you two Strong boys is this. What has Aemond ever done to you to deserve such violence?" Justice pondered.

"You just met Baela and Rhaena. You have known Aemond all your lives and yet you chose these girls you never met?" Alicent agreed her voice raising with anger.

"You werent there."  Luke sneered. 

"Walk me through it." Justice begged. 

''She was mine to claim.'' Rhaena had shouted in outrage, Lukes eyes jumped around nervously, his grip tighten on his blade. He didnt think Aemond would hurt them but he didnt know with how his cousins were screaming how Aemond would react.

''Then you should've claimed her!'' Aemond countered smugly. 'Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to ride. It would suit you.''

"Tell me about the pig."  Justice cut in. "The... what was it? Pink..."

"Dread." Aegon spoke up with a chuckle again Justice appeared beside him and whacked him over the back of the head. "Stop doing that!" Aegon grumbled. 

"Stop being a twat." Justice countered. "Lucarys, tell me about the pig."

"Aegon had an idea and well... we..." Luke sighed. 

"If the other kids are being mean to Aemond lets all join in." Justice offered and Luke nodded softly. Alicent hugged Aemond tighter. What had her sweet boy ever done to deserve such abuse!

''Aemond, we have a surprise for you.'' Aegon had declared. 

''What is it?'' Aemond questioned as Aegon led him deeper into the dragon cave.

''Something very special.'' Aegon told him smugly.

''You're the only one of us without a dragon.'' Jace remarked.


Luke and Jace struggled to get the pig out, it wiggled and squirmed at their grasp. Aegon had planned it but they were happy to join him. Aegon was the eldest and they thought he was great.

"Great? This- this drunk boy?" Justice cut in. Luke shrugged. "Wow... you need new friends." Justice decided. "Go on." 

''And we felt badly about it, so we found one for you.'' Aegon had mused a snigger in his voice trying to keep from bursting out laughing.

''A dragon? How?'' Aemond said happily as he waited for his dragon to immerge.

''The gods provide.'' Aegon told him smugly. Jace and Luke came walking up with a pig with wings tied to its back. Aemonds smile fell as it approached. The pig was grunting and snorting as Jace struggled to hold it.

''Behold...'' Aegon declared as they all shouted.

''The Pink Dread!'' The boys started laughing at Aemond's dismay.

''Be sure to mount her carefully. First flight's always rough.'' Aegon mused as the pig continued snorting.

Again, Justice hand went to her heart. 

"You sweet boy, you were dealt a bad hand." Justice remarked. 

Alicent felt the scales of justice swinging in Aemond's favor and she hoped there would truly be justice. 

"And before today, Lucarys and Jacaerys you did not know of Rhaena and Baela? Not at all beside maybe their names from your father." justice pondered they nodded in agreement. 

''Have you seen your father?'' Rhaenyra had asked just that morning coming up to Jace. ''Your little cousins have lost their mother. They could use a kind word.'' Rhaenyra offered glancing to Daemon's daughters.

''I have an equal claim to sympathy.'' Jace countered.

''Jace.'' Rhaenyra tsked. 

''We should be at Harrenhal, mourning Lord Lyonel and Ser Harwin.'' Jace countered.

''It would not be appropriate. The Velaryons are our kin and the Strongs are not.'' Rhaenyra reminded him, Jace scoffed. ''Look at me. Do you understand?''

"Why would you want to go to Harrenhal?" Justice agreed. "As your mother claimed, you are Targaryen, thats all that matters..." Rhaenyra ground her teeth an annoyance. "Do you understand Jacaerys? Lucarys?" Luke looked to Jace and Rhaenyra confused. "Oh, Lucarys you sweet child... why did you have to bring a blade. This could have been over and done with by now." Jace stood up though. 

"Ser Harwin was there for me more then my own father." Jace declared. "He took care of us. He loved us. I dont know where my father is, not then and not now." 

"Father just lost his sister." Luke corrected. 

"And he was never around." Jace shouted. "You know it. Harwin-" Rhaenyra hushed him. 

"No, no, do keep going." Justice requested but Jace sat back down with a grunt. "Fine. Back to Aemond." Justice agreed. And you, Jacaerys and Lucarys have known Aemond for?" Justice prompted. 

"Forever." Luke grumbled. 

"Forever." Justice repeated looking to a pissy Rhaena. "Lucarys how did you feel about Harwin Strong?"

"He was nice." Luke offered. 

"Anything else?" Justice urged. 

"He... was nice. He was always around when we were training. I'm not so good... well I wasnt good with a blade... until now apparently." Luke offered glancing to Aemond. 

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