8. Let's Get Closer

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Sweet but Psycho/ House of the dragon out now!

"Well if we are counting crimes..." justice mused. "Lets begin from the beginning... Alicent. We shall start with you."

"Me?" Alicent rasped meeting Justice's gaze.

"I suppose it should be your father. But you were complicit."

With a snap of her fingers they were back at the castle. Alicent looked around nervously. She saw her father and herself talking. 

"Maybe wear one of your mothers dresses." Otto suggested. Rhaenyra glared back at Alicent. 

"You visited him often after Aemma died." Justice remarked. 

"How are we... how can you?" Alicent stammered. 

"Magical deity honey." Justice coed. "Come on, lets get closer." Justice fisted a hand in front of her drawing it towards herself and it was as though they were standing right beside Otto and a very young alicent.  

"I wouldnt know what to say." young alicent countered and current Rhaenyra glared back at Alicent. 

"You visited him many times, gave him gifts and talked history, a favorite of Viserys." justice remarked. 

'The Valyrian capital was built into a volcano, much like Dragonstone. And the dragonlords, the highest of the nobility, lived here, at the volcanic face, closest to the source of their magic and power. And this was the Anogrion. Where the bloodmages worked their craft." Viserys told Alicent.

'It is truly wondrous what you've built.' Alicent remarked.

'Oh no. I only pore over the histories and provide the plans. The stonemasons built the structures.' Viserys corrected.

"Do you believe that Westeros can be another Valyria, Your Grace?" Alicent pondered.

" That depends, whether you speak of the Freehold at its height or at its fall. Over a thousand dragons, a navy large enough to span the seas of the world. The glory of Old Valyria will never be seen again." Viserys remarked but his cup slipped through his fingers crashing to the ground. 'Seven Hells.' He muttered. He sucked in a deep breath looking to Alicent. 'Tell me, how is Rhaenyra?'

"How was Rhaenyra?" Justice agreed. 

"Bad." Rhaenyra answered for them. "Horrible, I lost my mother and my best friend disappeared."

"It wasnt like that." Alicent begged. 

"No?" Rhaenyra countered. "You left me so you could seduce my father!" 

"It wasnt like that!" Alicent shouted back. 

"And Viserys didnt want you to tell Rhaenyra anyways." Justice added and Rhaenyra's mouth moved wordlessly. Alicent's lips clamped tightly together though. 

"Lets just fast forward a bit and ahh, here we are." Justice remarked. 

"Um..." Viserys took a step away from Alicent. 'you do not mention our talks to Rhaenyra, do you?' Viserys questioned and Alicent stared at him a moment longer confused. 'I just... I fear that she wouldn't understand them.'

'No, Your Grace.' Alicent assured. 

"Viserys why? Why would Rhaenyra not understand you bonding with a woman- Correction!" Justice held up a finger to the sky. "a child. Rhaenyra's best friend, why keep that from Rhaenyra?"

"I feared she would-"

"The truth, preferably." Justice cut Viserys off. 

"I liked spending time with Alicent and thought if Rhaenyra knew that she would figure it out when I told her I was picking a new bride." Viserys admitted. Justice looked between them. 

"Is this not so nice getting everything out in the open?" Justice pondered. "Heavens- Oh!" Justice declared. "Prayers, lets see those prayers before everything went south for Alicent and Rhaenyra." Another snap of her fingers and they all saw Rhaenyra and Alicent kneeling. 

"Rhaenyra was a babe," Aegon remarked. "What happened?" Justice was beside him and she slapped him over the head and she back in her spot. "STOP FUCKING DOING THAT!" Aegon shouted rubbing at his head. 

"Silence please, the show is starting." Justice countered and Alicent couldnt watch, she remembered the guilt she felt as she tried to get Rhaenyra to open up.

"Kneel with me. I find this is a way to be with my mother. Here in the quiet of the Sept... I feel close to her. I know it sounds foolish." Alicent remarked.

"I don't think it's foolish." Rhaenyra told her and Alicent looked at her in disbelief. "I don't." she confirmed.

"Good... because I thought you might try. I... If not for me, then, perhaps for them." and Rhaenyra let out a long sigh.

"What do I say?" Rhaenyra pondered.

"Whatever you wish. It's only for you and the gods to know." 

"What did you pray for?" Justice pondered and Alicent's eyes darted around anxiously. "No feeling talkative?" Justice mused. "Well thats okay, you see I have access to those prayers."

"What?" Alicent shouted. 

"Both of your true prayers." Justice agreed. Her fingers tapped at the air in front of her and sudden as though Alicent's voice was amplified all around them, they heard her prayer.

"Gods please forgive me," young alicent begged. "My father wants me to seduce the king and I'm trying, I just want to be a good daughter but Rhaenyra will hate me, she will hate me and I already hate myself and I'm going to lose my best friend for a crown I never wanted. I just want to make my father happy, he wants this and I want what he wants, I want him to love me. But I'm wracked with guilt over this please gods of old and new I'm begging you help me." 

"Why would they help you?" Rhaenyra sassed. 

"Now Rhaenyra, lets hear your-" Justice began. 

"I said something along the lines of not being treated like a little girl and I need to make the damn effort." Rhaenyra corrected. 

"Not your words but your prayers." Justice corrected. 

"I didnt-"

"But you did." Justice corrected and Rhaenyras voice echoed around them. 

"This is so stupid," her voice rang out. "Alicent is idiotic for believeing in the Gods, they have never done anything. Prayers get you nowhere." Rhaenyra murmured. "but I will fake a smile and act the part because Alicent has been AWOL and now she talks to me? Only about my father, what a joke."

"Interesting. so interesting." Justice remarked and Alicent stared back at Rhaenyra but now it was Rhaenyra that could not look at her. 

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