4. Steal A Dragon

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"Silent treatment... I suppose thats better than you jabbering on and on with lies." Justice agreed. "Alright Jacaerys do go on." 

''Be good to your mother, lads. I'll visit when I can. But that may be some time.'' Harwin had remarked looking down at the boys. ''Jace. I will return... I promise.'' Harwin looked between them, jace was too sad to speak. ''I will be a stranger when we meet again.'' Harwin realized softly as Harwin hugged Jace goodbye.

''Princess.'' Harwin whispered as he headed out.

''We will exchange letters by raven. Won't that be fun?'' Rhaenyra questioned as they watched Harwin leave.

''Is Harwin Strong my father? Am I a bastard?' Jace questioned looking up at her.

''You are a Targaryen. That's all that matters.'' Rhaenyra corrected.

"Wait, now..." Justice giggled out. "That sounds like a sure confession if I've ever heard one and let me tell you, I've heard a lot... I mean A LOT of confessions. My work is done," she brushed her hands together as she stood up. 

"What?" Rhaenyra spat. 

"Oh, right, this isnt over parentage, this is over Aemond's eye. I'm sorry honey." Justice whispered. "The one with the claims." Justice turned to Rhaenys, Rhaena and Baela. "Rhaena, would you like to tell me what happened?" Rhaena stood up and looked viciously to Aemond. 

"You are not the only one that has wanted a dragon. I have wanted a dragon for forever!" Rhaena declared. "Baela has her dragon, both my parents as well. I never belonged and you took that from me when you stole my mothers dragon." 

"I didnt steal her! I claimed her!" Aemond corrected. 

"Arent you going to reprimand him?" Rhaenyra sassed. 

"Boy lost an eye, have you no heart?" Justice corrected.  "Rhaena, please begin." 

"I went to get Jace and Luke-"

"No, no, sweetling." Justice corrected and Rhaena's breath hitched. Justice smiled back at her. "Tell me about your mother."

"She called my sweetling." Rhaena whispered. 

"I know." Justice agreed. "Take me back."

''It's been eight years, sweetling. Half of them never do, you know?'' Laena remarked when she came up to Rhaena turning her dragon egg on the fire.

''What?'' Rhaena asked.


''Will they let me stay?'' Rhaena questioned miserably, she was living in pentos with her family but she felt like the odd one out.

''Will who let you stay?'' Laena countered confused. 

''The Prince of Pentos.'' Rhaena clarified as she looked away from the fire.

''I don't understand.'' lAena said softly.

''He wants you and father... and Baela... 'cause you have dragons.'' Rhaena declared on the brink of tears

''There is more than one way to bind yourself to a dragon. I was without one until I was 15 years old and now I ride Vhagar, the largest in the world. You have a harder road. Baela's dragon was born to her. But if you wish to be a rider, you must claim that right. Your father would tell you the same.'' Laena assured

''Father ignores me.'' Rhaena countered stiffly

''He's doing his best.''

"He's doing his best." Justice repeated looking to Daemon. "Are you though?" Daemon shrugged indifferently. "I think not. YOu can do better then him." Rhaena glanced back at Daemon but he was picking at his nails bored. "So eight long years... your mother waited 15 years before claiming Vhagar and Aemond you just turned ten, is that right?"

"Yes." Aemond agreed. 

"So you have not been waiting forever it seems. I should know, I have been around for forever." Justice remarked. Rhaena pouted back at her. "Fine, fine, go on."

"We saw Vhagar take off." Baela chimed in. "We knew something was wrong."

"Someone-" Rhaena glared back at Aemond. "Stole her!" 

"Alright, lets not raise out voices please." Justice begged. "What did you do when you first saw her take off?"

"We were shocked, we stared out the window and heard a shout, saw someone on her, we knew we had to get help, to find the thief-" Rhaena's words rising in volume with her anger after every pained word. "-and get Vhagar back." 

"So you went to your cousins... nephews... lets see your mother married Rhaenyra's uncle and Rhaenyra married your mothers brother... never mind lets not think about it." Justice offered. 

"Yes we go them. Jace is a year older then us. We thought he would help." Baela agreed. 

 ''Jace, Jace. Jace, wake up.'' Baela had declared, shaking him awake. ''Wake up. Someone stole Vhagar.''

''What?'' Jace questioned rubbing at his eyes.

''Who is it?'' Rhaena spat still glaring out the window trying to figure it out, who had the damn nerve to steal her mothers dragon. 

''Jace, what are we doing?'' Luke asked it was far to late for them to be up and about but he chased after them all the same. Rhaena and Baela dragged Jace down the hall.

''It's him.'' Rhaena remarked bitterly seeing Aemond walking towards the castle.

''It's me.'' Aemond agreed, he just had the ride of his life, he had a dragon now.

''Vhagar is my mother's dragon.'' Baela shouted her voice shrill.

''Your mother's dead. And Vhagar has a new rider now.'' Aemond said proudly.

''She was mine to claim.'' Rhaena shouted in outrage.

''Then you should've claimed her!'' 

"Thats when we attacked." Rhaena said no regret in her voice, only venom. 

""Stealing you say," Justice mused. "He stole a dragon?"

"He did, she was mine to claim, mine and he stole her!" Rhaena declared and justice chuckled. 

 " do you know how hard it is to steal dragon? Practically impossible. Unless the dragon itself wants to be taken to be claimed. Now tell me what made you think someone was able to steal a dragon? Steal Vhagar the largest dragon..." Justice prompted.

"She was flying... And she was supposed to be mine. She should not have been flying without me because I was going to claim her." Rhaena cried out.

"Was," Justice agreed. "Was but didnt. Now Vhagar has a new rider..."


"I think I would like to hear Lucarys Strongs statement."

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