Midnight fly

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y/n POV

I knew I should have left earlier! Ugh now I'm gonna miss the train. Luckily I got on the train and met with my friends. My friends are Draco Malfoy...yah I'm a bit of a loner but this year at hogwarts I'm going to make some new friends I'm sure of it. It was about half was through the train ride when Crabbe, goyle and and a girl who I don't know joined us in the train.

"Hi my name is y/n" I said to the girl holding my hand out

"Hi I'm Pandora Parkinson, but people call me Pansy" she answered while shaking my hand

"So how do you know Draco" Pansy asked me

"Oh...well when I was younger my parents were killed and they knew the Malfoys well...so I just moved in with them and they have raised me ever since. Dracos basically a brother to me" I said

"Oh nice...I mean not nice but cool...I mean-" she started to say

"I know what you mean don't worry" I laughed

After that Pansy and I talked the whole train ride we almost forgot to put our robes on but we had just enough time

I was a bit scared when we got to hogwarts. It was huge, I could- no I am going to get lost in there a million times but Draco reassured me of everything and I calmed down a bit. When we got into the great hall I was in shock. How could I be so large on the inside? How is it raining like that? I had a billion questions but I kept them all to myself. Finally people started to get called up to the sorting hat and surprise surprise I was first.

"y/n weller" called professor McGonagall

I got up to the stage and sat on the chair and the professor put the hat on my head

"Hmmmmm rather difficult you have the smarts to go to Ravenclaw...but you have the talent to go to Slytherin...ahhhh so you shall be put in....SLYTHERIN!!" Yelled the sorting hat

The Slytherin table cheered and roared with happiness. Next was a few other people but then what shocked me most was when Harry Potters name was called

"HARRY POTTERS IN OUR SCHOOL?!?!" I asked Draco calmly

"Yes I saw him on the stair way better keep clear of him" Draco replied

Then a few others were sorted...Hermione granger, Ron Weasley, some hufflepuff girl who's name I don't remember and a few others.

By the end of the night and after the sorting all my friends turned out to be in Slytherin so yay! Pansy and I talked all dinner but I got even more exited when I realized I was sharing a dorm with her and only her (being raised a Malfoy has some perks) so we went to our dorm and unpacked and started to ask each other questions about each other.

It was nearing around midnight and I asked her "hey do you wanna do something cool"

"Always" she said

I grabbed my broomstick, even though first years aren't supposed to have them I couldn't resist sneaking mine in. We went to the top of one of the towers got on my broom and flew into the sky. I stopped at about 200 feet off the ground and just looked up and signed in relief. When Pansy looked up she gasped

"Why have I never seen the stars this close?"

"Beautiful aren't they?" I asked


We went back to our dorm and fell asleep. That was a great first day (sorta kinda) day at hogwarts I can't wait for tomorrow.

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