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Pansy POV

~~Time skip to Halloween~~

"You know I was doing research and I found that on Halloween night muggle kids go knocking on all the doors in their neighbourhood and the person on the other side of the door would give them candy" y/n told me

"Really?" I asked

"It seems really stupid you know asking random people for candy" I said

"Yah it is stupid but I don't know it's supposed to be a holiday or something I don't really know" she said

We were on our way to potions, thank god it's last class I am starving

We got started on our small potion I don't remember what it's called but it was simple enough to make...at least for y/n she was mixing and stirring and within a few minutes was half way done the potion.

"What y/n how are almost done"?! I asked her in shock

"I'm just good at potions" she said

"Umm can you help me I can't remember what this does" I said holding up some sort of herb

"Oh that's Dittany it's supposed to be eaten raw but in this case it just makes the potion more effective" she replied

"Oh thank you"I said

We had entered the great hall and taken our seats and the Halloween feast appeared right in front of us. Turkey, mash potatoes, vegetables, all sorts of food.

"Oh my god" I said

"What" y/n said

"I haven't seen this much food since our first day at hogwarts" I said

"Me too, I mean even though I was raised with the Malfoys we never ate this much even at Draco or my birthday" she said

"Speaking of which when is your birthday?" I asked her

"December 17th, yours?"

November 16th" I said

"Well thank you!" She said sarcastically


"You've given me NO time to get you a gift!" She said

"16 days- wait you're gonna get me a gift? You don't have too.."

"No I do you're my best friend- OWWWW! DRACO! THAT HURT!"

"Then don't say she's your best friend, I am" said Draco

"No you're my brother you dingus" she said

After that we all laughed and then all of a sudden professor Quirrell burst into the great hall

"TROOOOOOOOLL, TROOOOOOLL! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON-" Professor Quirrell yelled then fainted

For a second it was quite but then the panic and realization set in and even though everyone started to scream and flee I saw y/n just sit there not doing anything not moving it looked like she wasn't breathing I tried to pull her arm but it was almost as if she was set in stone but eventually she moved she stood up and started to walk towards the door, not screaming or crying but she looked petrified so we both walked to the common room and when we got there she just sat down

y/n POV

Everything was blurring and my ears were ringing all I knew was people around me were yelling and crying and screaming and someone's hand was on my shoulder and someone else was hugging me and I assume they were both trying to comfort me.

It was many hours later and all of a sudden once again I saw stars without blurry vision and I wasn't aware of who did it but they also put me in my bed and the next thing I know is I'm dreaming.

"Goodnight y/n" said the unknown voice

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