One week after

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It has been a week since y/n has been petrified, I haven't even visited her in the hospital yet, I haven't even gotten out of bed. Draco has been helping me, you know bringing me food and doing my homework and coming up with crazy excuses for why I wasn't and won't be in class. He's a great friend, he's the one who visits y/n, at least he's strong enough

"Hello- oh you're dressed, are you gonna come up for breakfast or do you want me to bring some up-" Draco started to say

"Why are you doing all this for me?" I plainly asked

"Well, y/n's my sister and you're her best friend and I know if something like this were to happen to me you would be helping me no matter the cost, so I'm just trying to help out a friend" he said

"And to answer your question I will be going up for breakfast, then I'm going to see y/n..." I said

"Oh wow, good, we'll I'll see you later" he said leaving

I stood up, grabbed my books and left. I got looks in the hallways but I flat out ignored them. I decided to not eat, I just wanted to see y/n.

When I got to the hospital wing I saw that no one else had been petrified, yet y/n had a lot of sweets waiting for her once she woke up. I walked up to her and sat down next to her. She looked the exact same as she did the night of 'the incident'.

"Hi y/n" I said secretly hoping for a response from her

"Well I'm finally here, visiting you, aren't you proud of me? I think you would be, haha and y/n i don't hate you for liking girls, I like girls too, im pansexual. Anyways your brother is awesome, he's been taking care of me while I was depressed about you, I still am, just not as bad, god I wish you could hear me right now, I would give anything for you to be okay again" I said

I held her hand and continued talking to her lifeless body until Madame. Pomfrey said I had to leave for class. I said bye to y/n and then started to walk to class. I got to transfiguration and I found out that we were doing paired projects and I was paired with Harry Potter, first of all, ew, second of all, why? Anyways I got a move on and started reading the introductions on how to do the spell.

"So one of us has to turn the others robes into muggle clothes, then vise versa" I said

"Yah, do you want to go first?" Potter asked

"I guess, whatever" I said

~~~time skip to after all the classes (sry I'm lazy🥲)~~~

"....then we went to potions and as usual Finnigon blew something up, then we went to diner and I didn't even stay for dessert. You would be proud of me." I finished telling her.

I held her hand tighter and tears started to roll down my cheeks, then I fell onto her body which was in the perfect place to hug her and I just started crying and once I finished sobbing I noticed there was now a big damp spot on her shirt but I didn't care and ran up to our dorm and organized our stuff and re-read our old letters I found under a floor panel, which I suppose y/n hid in case someone found them and for some reason decided to steal them, she was very protective of her stuff. 

Once I was finished reading our letters I wondered what was the whispering  that y/n was hearing. I had one million theories and five billion questions with no answers, but I had to shake all those off cuz the thoughts were scaring me half to death, just think, what if y/n was hear this thing slither around cuz she was the target? Or what if she was just hearing things? And I hate how things are between her and I right now, she's just come out and she is stuck in a stupid petrified state and she doesn't even know I like her. What if I never get to tell her? What if she never wakes up? What if she's really dead and Dumbledore is just hiding it from everyone? What if she doesn't like me back? What if someone kidnaps her while she's petrified? What if she get hurt within the year? What if she can hear just can't move? What if she can see? What if she...hates me?

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