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y/n POV

I was awoken by a very excited Pansy in the morning


"H-huh?" I asked as I was still half asleep

"O-oh sorry I didn't realize you were still a bit asleep, I'll let you get up" said Pansy

"Okay thanks" I said

Pansy and I got dressed into our Slytherin robes and headed to our first class.

Out first class was transfiguration with the Gryffindors. When we sat down in class and most of the Slytherins were there already but only a few Gryffindors.

Once all of us were there or almost all of us we started to write what was down on the board then all of a sudden BAM! The door swung open to reveal Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.

"Phew thank lord Professor. McGonagall isn't here, if she was we'd be dead" Ron said

Just then the cat that was sitting on the desk jumped on the ground and turned into Professor. McGonagall

Pansy and I snickered a little but then got shushed but that just mad us snicker even more.

After our morning classes we went to the great hall for lunch.

"You know what I'm craving?" I said

"What?" Asked Pansy as she sat down beside me

"That's the thing I don't know what I'm craving, and it's bugging me like hell" I said

"Hahahaha, well why don't you try a bit of everything like it's lunch try something new and you might like it. As for me I just want pudding, all sorts of pudding. Cakes, candies, gummy's all sorts of pudding" she said

I laughed at her then when the plates showed up I also got pudding along with Pansy and we just ate.

"Why do you two only have pudding?" Asked Draco

"Why not" Pansy and I asked in sync not looking up from our food

He laughed not in a mocking way but a funny way and sat down beside me. He tried to grab some of my pudding and I smacked his hand away and Pansy just laughed along with Crabbe and Goyle.

After the rest of our lessons our last one was potions with the Gryffindors I got paired up with Pansy and you know what I laughed at Draco getting paired up with Harry Potter we just had to write things down for this class but I already knew most of it, same as Draco cuz we're both obsessed with potions and started making them as little kids. It seemed Pansy was having a little bit of trouble with knowing what did what so I helped her through out the class. Once potions was finished we all went back to the common room and just talked for hours we even forgot about dinner. It neared around 11 O'clock and we all went to our dorms and fell asleep...

I woke up screaming in the middle of the night and it immediately woke Pansy up too

"y/n it's okay I'm here you're okay, you're safe nothings gonna hurt you"

Even with her comfort I kept on sobbing and whimpering

Pansy POV

I didn't know what to do but then I remembered how much she loved the stars.

So I took her broom and asked her

"Hey do you want to look at the stars? It's a clear night"

She look at me tears streaming from her face and she slowly nodded

We went to the same tower and I flew up and sat there with her and told her

"Look at the stars"

She looked up and calmed down immediately.

I could tell she loved the stars

Stargazing (Pansy Parkinson x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now