What a night

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Y/n pov

Ok I'm doing it today, I'm telling Draco I'm pansexual.

Yes I was planning on tell my brother I was pansexual, I think he'll be okay though cuz I think he has a slight crush on Potter, so yah

"Draco!" I said

"Yes?" He asked turning around

"Can I talk to you in my dorm tonight?" I asked him

"Yes, why?" He asked 

"You'll have to wait" I said running off

Okay part one done, part two is a go. I ran off to mine and pansy's dorm and found her there just sitting fidgeting with her robes, she looked so pretty bathed in the sunlight...PART TWO!

"Pansy...?" I asked

"Yes y/n?" She asked

"I have something to tell you" I said feeling the blush in my face rise

"Go for it" she said gesturing that I sat next to her which I did not

"I- I...." I started

"Go on..." Pansy said


There was a silence that felt like forever

"I like girls..." I said in almost a whisper

"You do?" She asked

"Im sorry!" I Said as I ran out the door in tears, it was even worse as it was Halloween night

I had stopped in a random hall and realized there was water all over the floor and looking back at me in the puddle...was a giant...snake? I don't remember anything else other then everything going dark

Pansy pov

"Y/N!? Y/N I WANNA TALK! IM NOT MAD!" I yelled through the corridors not caring who looked at me, then I got pushed by some other Slytherins coming back from the feast so I just walked with them and within a minute or two we had stopped, and since I was quite short I pushed my way to the front, and that's where I saw Weasley, Granger and...Potter lingering over a body of some sort. I couldn't see who it was but then I heard

"ITS WELLER! Y/N WELLER IS DEAD!" Said some random Gryffindor 

I broke down in tears immediately and I clung on to Draco who I can guarantee was holding back tears. Everyone was starring but I couldn't care les my best friend just died...my crush just died....I cried harder and eventually fell to the floor

"Make way, make way" Snape said

"Oh no she's not dead she's only petrified..." Dumbledore said

"CAN IT BE CURED?!" I yelled at them tears still streaming down my face

"...yes...yes it can Ms.Parkinson, Mr.Malfoy why don't you take Ms.Parkinson up to her dorm?"

"Yes Professor. McGonagall" Draco said

We walked down and into my dorm and said our goodbyes and he went back to 'the scene' I suppose and then I got changed and slept in y/n's bed...it was definitely more comfortable then mine...at least she isn't dead.

A/N Sorry for the really short story, tomorrow I can give a way longer chapter. Bye!

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