Odd first day

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I was on the train with Draco, Crabbe and Goyle looking for a compartment and Pansy. Once we found a compartment I went looking for Pansy and I felt that we started to move then all of a sudden I hear


I go onto one of those things that they have just so you can sorta step outside and I saw Pansy running after the train


She ran she ran and she ran and eventually grabbed ahold of my hand and with all my might I pulled her up and she fell on me in the corridor of the train and she was hyperventilating and sweating and cursing under her breath I felt that she was almost crying so I tried to comfort her I hugged her sat her up straight and walked her to a space where we could be alone

"Hey what's wrong? Why are you so upset?"

"Well- I-I I c-can't he-elp i-it I almost m-missed the t-train-" Pansy started to say

"Here calm down...shhhhhhhh..." I hugged her whilst she fell to the floor starting to slightly cry I was kissing her head and stroking her hair and eventually she began to calm down

"Well I knew if I missed the train i'd have to go home and probably get beaten loads. Also I wouldn't get to see you and I guarantee I wouldn't be able to send owls..." she said

Once I had calmed her down I wiped her tears away and once her skin turned back to normal we went out and found the compartment that we found earlier.

"Hello you little doofuses" I said as we entered the compartment

"Hello, I see you've found Pansy" said Draco

"Yes...she umm-" I looked at Pansy and she looked frightened

"-she got lost" I finished my sentence

I looked back at Pansy and saw her face lost the frightened look in her eyes and we sat down...hand in hand.

Once we had arrived at hogwarts we got into our carriages we stayed silent until we went into the great hall. Pansy and I still hand in hand, we sat down sat through a long and very boring sorting ceremony. It was only then I noticed that someone was missing...

"Hey where's Potter?" I asked

"He's right over- wait he's gone.." Crabbe said

"No shit Sherlock" I said

"But where is he?" Pansy asked

"Don't know, don't care" Draco said

"Well this year we might have a normal year then, you know without potter killing a teacher with his bear hands" Pansy said

"Yeah" I said

Once we finished dinner we went to our common room and said our goodbyes and went to our dorms.

"Well this year has already stated off weird" I said

"How?" Pansy asked while unpacking her stuff

"Well you won't believe what happened while Draco and I were shopping for our books...so basically we saw the Weasleys and Potter enter the shop while we were on the 2d floor and then Draco and I went down, confronted Potter and then Mr.Malfoy came in and I swear when he picked up one of Ginny's books he put another one with it, without her noticing"

"Well that is weird" Pansy said as she moved on to unpacking my stuff


"Also now Potters not here...what is going on..." I said

"Maybe..you know killing someone made him somewhat...I don't know...scared" said Pansy unsure of her answer

"No...he's gotta be here...no way he'd miss hogwarts, I heard those muggles he stays with are awful" I said

"Yeah, and I'm sorry I never thanked you for helping me on the train this morning" Pansy said

"Are you kidding? You would have done the same for me" I said

"Well I was just saying thanks" Pansy said walking towards me

I walked towards her and we hugged each other

"Did you keep your ring on?" I asked her not letting go

"Yes, I promise but please let's not talk about that" she said also not letting go


We went to bed and I was up and couldn't sleep and I swear I heard something in the walls, so I walked over to pansy's bed and crawled in with her. She put an arm around me and I fell asleep a little after that. This first day was sure...odd.

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