The truth

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Y/n pov 

Gosh I needed to be caught up on what happened this year, from what I've heard Potter killed a damn basilisk and some 'Tom riddle' dude, and lockheart was a fake, and that Draco made Slytherin quidditch team. That's about all.

"Y/n, can I talk to you?" Pansy asked

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, what did I do now? Shit, shit, shit

I followed her out and she was holding a letter in her hands and she handed it to me

"Here, read it" she said

~~after y/n read the letter~~ 

"Pansy, this is amazing! Or is it bad?" I asked

"No no no it's very good it's the best thing that's ever happened to me, but I want to talk about what you told me before you got petrified" she said

"O-okay" I said nervously 

"I like girls too" Pansy said

"R-really?" I asked

"Yep" Pansy said

I hugged her tight and didn't let go, she hugged back and sighed a sigh of relief we stayed like that for a long time. I really liked her, well now I might have a chance, but why would she like me? But whatever focus on the amazing thing that's happening to you, Pansy is going to be living with you! You have got to be cool this summer then. We let go of each other and went back up to our dorm to start packing.

"Isn't it crazy how we're already finished our second year at hogwarts?" I asked

"No it's felt like 7 years already, it was really boring without you this year"

"Yeah, I get that" I said 

"So you have any crushes?" Pansy asked me

"Nope, you?" I asked

"Maybe one small one-" she started to say

"OH MY GOD!!! WHO IS IT?! TELL MEEEEEE!!! PLEAAAAASE???" I asked as I jumped on her

"No I'm not telling you! Never!" She said while laughing 

"Come on!!!" I said

"Nooooooooo" she said trying to push me off her

"Why won't you tell meeeeeee?" I said tightening my grip on her

"Cuz! It's embarrassing!!!" She said still struggling 

"Wait is it a girl or boy? At least tell me that!!" I said

"Girl! There I told you something now get off" she said flipping me over so she was now on top

We couldn't stop laughing until Draco came in and probably questioned his entire life and that just made us laugh even more

Then he walked out probably traumatized and then I realized what position we were in so I blushed- HARD, I started to wiggle trying to get out of her grasp but she just tightened her grip

"Nope, you aren't going anywhere, I lost you for an entire year I am going to admire you for a second-" she suddenly stopped 

"Wait- admire? Why would you want to admire me? Unless...." I said 

She immediately got off and sat on the corner of the bed probably blushing really hard and also trying not to cry

"I-I- I'm sorry" she said through tears that she couldn't stop

"What? Why are you sorry?" I asked sitting beside her

"I'm sorry that I ruined this and right before I moved in with you" she said

"What do you mean "ruined"? Honestly, I  confused" I said

"Ha... you're actually stupid...I-i really" she said

I was so flustered I couldn't even talk so instead I just held her hand, in the way that you would hold your partners hand

She looked at me and I smiled and I think she got the gesture cuz then she leaned her head on my shoulder and calmed down

"I should have known" I said breaking the silence

Then pansy laughed and hugged me and I hugged back

"Oh- um wOw it is late" she said looking out the window to see nothing but a cloudy navy blue sky

"Well then let's go to bed" I walked over to my bed but then realized all our stuff was on it

"Hey pansy could I sleep in your bed? My bed is sorta...full" I said showing her all the stuff on my bed

"Oh- um -uh -y-yah! Of c-cOURSE" she said lifting the blanket up

We both got in and stayed apart until pansy fell asleep and wrapped herself around me and I did the same and we fell asleep like that

~~~~The nest day~~~~

"ALL STUDENTS ARE TO REPORT TO THE GREAT HALL....NOW" Dumbledore said on the speaker

Pansy, Draco and I walked down stairs and sat down at our table and waited for the announcement 

"Welcome students! I have decided to let the summer holidays being...EARLY, due to all the trauma that we have gone through I think it will be good. Anyways, the trains get here at 8:00pm! So be ready or stay here"

We all went upstairs and eagerly waited for 7:45pm

Finally it came and we got on the train

'Year two, done' I thought to myself

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