Letters pt.2

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Pansy POV

It's one more week till I go to y/n's so I've already got a lot of letters from her and I'm sure she has some from me that's when my thoughts got distracted by Astrid knocking her beak on my window. So I untied it from her ankle and said bye to her and she left

Dear, Pansy

I'm so excited to see you next week so I have made a list of things we can do.

1. We can build a fort (again)

2. We can sneak onto the roof and look at the stars

3. We can work on our flying


5. We can read my mothers muggle books (they're actually really interesting)

And yah we can do way more than that though and are you okay my ring got cold for a second and just checking in.

P.s I am successfully staying away from Mr.Malfoy and he hasn't done anything to Me or Draco which is a complete win in our case.

-You're absolute best friend, y/n

The truth is I was okay I just got burned I mean I wasn't an accident. My Dad burned me because he thinks I like y/n but the truth is I don't she's just a friend so I just took it then took care of my self. It wasn't a huge deal but it still hurt for a few days.

Dear, y/n

I'm also ecstatic so see you soon and those things are perfect to do and I only got burned by my dad for a dumb reason I'm fine now. I'm also very happy to know that my ring hasn't done anything out of the ordinary so that means you're okay. So keep it that way.

P.s it's great that you're staying away from Mr.Malfoy again keep it that way.

-your favourite brunette, Pansy

I called Athena

"Athena get this to y/n please"

I tied the letter to her ankle then sent her off.

~~one week later~~

I had just finished packing for y/n's and started to walk out but then

"If I hear one thing about you from the Malfoys trust me you won't be going to hogwarts ever again" my dad said

"Ok.." I said a little scared

I knew y/n would feel this on her ring. I guess I'll just tell her if she asks. Once I got to Malfoy Manor my parents left and I knocked on the huge door and I opened slowly to reveal...y/n!!

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