The best week ever

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Pansy POV

We had gone inside and I said hello to Mrs.Malfoy and Mr.Malfoy and we went up and immediately made our pillow fort. We talked for hours even though we knew we had to speak quiet. Before we knew it we were being called down to dinner by Mrs.Malfoy

"Pansy! y/n! It's dinner time!"

We went downstairs and the table had all sorts of food.

"So Miss.Parkinson How-" Mr.Malfoy began

"Please call me Pansy" I said

"Okay...Pansy how is Mr.Parkinson" He continued

"He's...okay" I said

"Very well"

Once we had finished dinner it had gotten really late. y/n, Draco and I went back to our lounge and sorta just sat...

"So how are your parents Pansy? Actually." Draco asked

"They're doing fine Draco I promise" I said

y/n and I went back to y/n's room before anything else got awkward

"Now you're lying to Draco about your parents?" y/n said as soon as the door to her room was closed

"N-no... Okay fine! Their awful! Their always fighting and half of the time I have to take off my ring or you'd be kicking down the front door-" I said

"....what? You take off your ring...? y/n asked me looking worried and sad at the same time

"It's usually only for a day- no you know what there are no excuses for what I did I'm so sorry"

"Just don't do it again please...Or I will glue that ring to your hand!" She said then chuckled

"Okay" I said as I chuckled with her

Once I got settled in we were playing with the golden snitch I got her for her birthday/Christmas when we heard a knock at the door

"Come in" y/n said

"Hi" said Narcissa

"Hello Miss.Malfoy" I said

"Hello Mother" said y/n

"How are you two girls doing?- wait is that the golden snitch?" Narcissa asked

"No I mean it is but it also isn't...Pansy got a replica for me for my birthday/Christmas I mean it can still fly but it doesn't go all rouge and stuff" y/n explained

"Oh ok" Narcissa said

"Is there anything in particular that you needed mother?" y/n asked

"Nope just wanted to check in on you girls" she said

"Oh okay bye mother"

"Bye Miss.Malfoy"

"Bye Pansy, Bye y/n" she said then left

y/n looked at me then said

"Lucius and my Mother fight a lot too"

"I have a question" I said

"What is it?" Y/n asked

"Why don't you call Luc- Mr.Malfoy your father if you call Mrs.Malfoy your mother?"I asked

"My father was caring and loved me, Lucius only cares about Draco and he hates me so he could never replace my father but on the other hand my mother...was brutal and just cared about magic- in fact that's how they of her stupid spells... but Narcissa cares loads about me and doesn't go casting spells all over the house carelessly that being said my mother was easily replaced" she answered


"It's fine" she said

*two hours later*

Y/n and I were jumping on her bed laughing and we both jumped at the same time and we accidentally kissed...

"Oh my lord Pansy I'm so sorry!" Y/n said embarrassed

"No no no I'm so sorry" I said as my face rose with blush

We both went apologizing back and forth for a while

"Ummm well wanna go on the roof now? Everyone's asleep..." y/n said desperately wanting to change the subject

"Yes! Uh umm...yea sure" I said

Y/n giggled and opened the window and we went onto the roof and watched the stars for hours. We watched the stars until we could no longer stand being on the room. We went back inside at about 2am and went to sleep in our fort.

When we woke up we went downstairs and got served breakfast by their house elf: Dobby. We ate till we couldn't eat anymore then we went upstairs and got changed, I wore a simple green T-shirt tucked into a black skirt, and I wore black knee high socks with some black and white shoes with some green accents on the sides.

Y/n wore a black dress with some silver accents on the bottom of the dress and the sleeves and some normal socks with some black shoes.

We met Draco downstairs, he was wearing a T-shirt and pants with some black shoes. We went outside and met with Crabbe and Goyle and we played a mini game of quidditch outside with y/n and Draco being the two seekers and Goyle the referee and me with y/n and Crabbe with Draco. Long story short we won by like 170 points so yea we won big time. Once the game was done we were just flying on our brooms, racing each other and seeing who could go the highest of course y/n won all these, having the most experience with flying a broom. We were having so much fun that we didn't even remember lunch OR dinner and played on our brooms till sundown then finally Draco realized and we all said goodbye and went back to our houses. So far I'm loving my vacation away from home and I'm double loving spending time with y/n...Oh yea and Draco


The rest of the week flew by like a flash and then Pansy was leaving

"Bye Pansy I'll write to you!" I yelled after her

"Bye y/n I'll write to you too!" I heard her yell back

But then through many days and MANY letters I was back at kings cross station ready for my second year at hogwarts...

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