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y/n POV

"Y/N!!! Y/N! ITS CHRISTMAS!!!!" Pansy said in the morning

"I-it is?"


"O-okay" I said getting up slowly

We both went to the other side of our dorm (which was pretty big) and looked at all the presents

"Wow" I said

"What?" Asked Pansy

"It's just I haven't seen this much presents for a long time..."

"What how?" Pansy asked


"O-oh sorry" Pansy said a little embarrassed

"Here you open one first"

After we opened all the gifts from our family and friends there were just the birthday presents we got for each other

"Here you open mine first" Pansy said


I opened what looked like a golden snitch

"Throw it in air"- don't question it just do it"

So I did and I started to fly around the room and then it landed back in my hands so I placed it back in the box and practically landed and Pansy while giving her a hug


"Ahhahahahaha your welcome!!"

"Now open your gift"

Pansy POV

I opened the gift that y/n got for me and I pulled out a ring and when I looked at y/n she showed me the one that matched on the right ring finger

"Once you put yours on we will know if the other person is in danger as long as you keep the ring on and they're Slytherin style so yah....I hope you like them"

"Oh my god of course I don't like them..."

y/n looked a bit sad but then I said

"Cuz I LOVE THEM! They're useful and stylish and cool and beautiful I love them" I said hugging her

"Well let's go try out your snitch" I said


We ran out with our rings on and the snitch in hand and went to the back of hogwarts into the snow and the clam wind and I threw the snitch into the air and y/n started to chase after it

"Ohhhhh I've almost got iiiiiit....GOT IT!!" she said jumping then grabbing the snitch

She fell down and laughed covered in snow and I tripped and fell down beside her and we just kept laughing until

"What are you doing" asked a boy

When I looked up it was Harry Potter

"Don't talk to us Potter, you turned down my brother so you turn down one of us you turn down all of us and anyways I'm Slytherin you're in Gryffindor so just leave us alone potter" y/n said

Then potter and his friend Weasley left us alone

"Woooow good job y/n didn't know you could be so rude! Not in a bad way but in a good way" I said

"Yah I can if I really wanted to and he was just being rude anyways and they're friends with Granger-the know it all so yah stay clear of them" she said

We went back inside and walked around for a bit but then walked into professor. Snape

"What are you doing here miss.Parkinson and miss.Weller?" He asked

"Just walking around, why?" y/n said

Then I saw his eyes meet her hand

"What is that?"

"What is what?" y/n asked

"That on your finger"

"Oh it's my safe ring, it tells me when the other person wearing the same ring is in danger so it's my safe ring"

"Very well" he said

He walked away and we just snickered

We went back to our dorm and re-set up the fort and and talked about why Professor. Snape had asked about it but we came to the conclusion that he was just curious so we went to bed around 1am

"AHH!-" y/n screamed

"Hey what's wrong? You aren't gonna be hurt it okay shhhhh" I said while hugging her she hugged me back then we both lied back down and then we just held each other for the rest of the night and fell back asleep

"Goodnight y/n have sweet dreams" I said

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