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Y/n pov

My mother had been informed about all my nightmares and waking up suddenly during nights and all the classes I've had to miss and she'd decided to come to school and check up on me.

Narcissa pov

"Hello, Dumbledore where can I find my daughter?" I asked

"You can fine Miss.Weller in her dormitory." He said

"Thank you." I said

I went up to the Slytherin common room and found y/n's dormitory and I see her there with Pansy beside her with ice on her head and her in bed

"Hello Mrs.malfoy" Said Pansy a little relieved 

"What's wrong?" I asked

"I don't know Mrs. She spiked a fever and the hospital wing is saying she's not ill enough to be kept in the hospital wing so I've been doing everything I can" Pansy said

"Can you tell me what's been going on recently"

I saw Pansy look over at y/n and y/n nodded 

"Y/n has been hearing voices recently, and it has been effecting her you can see" Pansy said putting a cold cloth on y/n's forehead

~~~~a few hours later~~~~

"You're a very good friend Pansy" I said

"I try"

"What do you mean 'you try'? Pansy, dear, y/n has not stopped yapping about you in the owls she sends to me, you're her best friend" I said

"I've actually been meaning to ask, has y/n ever had another best friend?" Pansy asked

"Yes, yes she has but she was not a very good person, she would get y/n to spend all her pocket money on her and always treat her like vermin while y/n went on clueless but when y/n's parents died, this girl left her, when she needed it most, so if you were wondering why it's so hard for her to trust that's the reason...Pansy, I've been meaning to ask you a question"


"Are you and y/n...?" I asked hinting towards my question 

"O-o-oh n-no" Pansy said with a very bright red blush rising on her face

"Do you...?" I asked 

"..." Pansy didn't reply but her face said everything 

"Message received, we'll anyways thanks for taking care of my little girl" I said as I was about to walk out the door but then "oh whoops here are some meds that should help with....everything" then I left

Pansy pov

Oh my GOD did I just tell Mrs.Malfoy that I LIKED y/n??? 

~~~~another few hours later~~~~

"P-Pansy?" Y/n asked

"Yeah?" I asked

"Is mother gone?"

"Yes, did you hear anything?" I asked

Y/n pov

'Yes' I thought but instead I said "no, I was asleep"

"Oh it's night already?" Pansy said

"Can you stay with me? I'm scared" I said

"Of course just let me get changed" Pansy said rummaging through her suitcase 

"Oh your mum said to give you these" Pansy said tossing some pills to me, I took them and immediately felt loads better, damn what was in those pills? 

I didn't mean to stare but halfway through Pansy changing I was totally looking, I mean she had a bra on but she had the most perfect skin ever and she was muscular, but not too much, but just enough and then she turned to me 

"Y/n, I need a pyjama top"

"I don't have one of those but I have one of my jumpers..."

"Sure" she said as she put it on

"I have a question for you" I told Pansy as she gestured for me to cuddling into her side


"What do you think about people Or like bi?" I asked

"Well honestly I couldn't care less, you love who you love, you know you can tell me anything right?" Pansy said kissing the top of my head

"No, no, no, I'm not, I just wanted know" I said

"Okay then, goodnight y/n" she said

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