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Pansy pov

I'm starting to get really worried about y/n, she's awfully quite and seems jumpy and a lot more easily scared. I won't push though cause she would tell me right? Right...

"Hey...y/n?" I asked her

"..." she didn't replied

I walked up to her and shook her shoulder lightly and she flinched away from me and looked me dead in the eye and said

"Don't touch me...I'm dangerous..."

"How are you dangerous?" I asked sitting next to her

"I-I can't tell you...I can't tell anyone..." she whispered but I caught it

"You can tell me you know, I won't think any less of you..." I said looking at her

"Promise?" She asked

"Of course" I said

"I've been hear voices and slithering in the walls and nobody else seems to notice it, it's not just in the common room too! It's everywhere! In the great hall, in the class rooms, in our dorm...that's why I sleep in your bed instead of mine...I'm scared that if I'm alone...it'll hurt me...or you" she said

"That was not what I was expecting..." I said

"I'm sorr-"

"Don't you dare say you're sorry, cause you have nothing to be sorry for, you have done nothing wrong" I said

Then I hugged her and I held on even though I knew she wanted me to let go...but I didn't want to, not just cause I was worried though...I wanted to stay like that forever and to my surprise she hugged back and started to cry on my shoulder... I was very happy she was getting all this out...I knew she always kept her emotions within her cause she was taught that her emotions weren't valued...but I loved that she could be vulnerable.

"Want to go to bed?" I asked as I kissed her head softly

"Yes...please" she said not letting go

"You have to let go to put on your pyjamas" I said

"......fine" she said then let go and got her pyjamas out of her dresser and started to put them on, mine were already on so I just waited for her to get changed once she did she crawled into my bed waiting for me so I walked over to my bed and this time I didn't just put my arm around her I put on some comforting music and wrapped my arms around her torso and held her head close to me...

*couple hours later*

y/n was fast asleep and I was glad cause she only usually gets around 3-4 hours of sleep but that night it was my thoughts that were racing instead of hers

'What is the voice she's been hearing, why has she been hearing it, why did she feel as though she needed to keep it to herself, why does her body fit so perfectly beside mine, what am I feeling about her, why do I feel like this, why am I not normal, why couldn't I like someone else, why do I just want to kiss her, why did I never want to let go, what if she doesn't feel the same, what if she does, what if she leaves me if I ever tell her how I supposedly feel' I had one million questions and two million theories but zero answers but the one I wanted answered the most is 'is she okay?' But alas I had again no answer.

I felt her move around and I held her for the rest of the night trying to get sleep even though questions bombarde my head and kept me up all night, yet I stayed there with her just so she would feel comfortable. Why do I feel like this?

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