Letters pt.1

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y/n POV

~~time skip to the last day of school~~

"I can't believe this is the last day of school" I said

"Yah I'm gonna miss you all so much" Pansy said

"I know! But I'm stuck with this doofus" I said pointing to Draco

"Hey! That's not nice!" Draco said

"Oh my god says you!"I said

"Stop sibling fighting!" Pansy said while laughing

We were packing up all our stuff and just almost staying silent cause it was too much pain to bear, not being with Pansy all summer, who was gonna love me then? I was asking myself loads of questions but stopped them

"Will you write to me?" That was the only question that I let slip

"Yes, of course!" Pansy said

We went down to the train and talked

"So what are you gonna do when you get home" Pansy asked

"Try to avoid Mr.Malfoy and help Draco avoid Mr.Malfoy too" I said

"What?" Pansy said

"Well sure I have things bad but Draco-" I said starting to lower my to a whisper

"-has it one hundred percent worse" I said


"Yeah" I said raising my voice to its normal volume

Then I had a great thought

"Hey why don't I invite you over for a week or two this summer sometime?" I said

"Yah that would be amazing" Pansy said

When we got off train I saw Mrs.Malfoy but not Mr.Malfoy I hugged Pansy and literally cried but I walked towards Mrs.Malfoy (who I always called mum)

"Hi mum" I said through tears

"Oh baby..." she said sympathetically

When we got home I just went to my room and started to write to Pansy

Dear, Pansy

I have made it home safely. Have you? If you have that's wonderful. And my mother has said that you may come round my house in a few weeks if you would like. Also Draco has said "hello" oh Draco has a new pet, it's a snake and her name is Dittany like that herb because it's venom has healing powers. She's really pretty she's as small as your palm now but she will grow to about 6 feet in a few years. Cool right? She's a beautiful black with green spots. You'll get to meet her soon. I hope you like my drawings that I have done. They will also be in the letter, but now I must go I hope to see you soon.


When I sent out the letter with my owl named Astrid I eagerly awaited the letter from Pansy

I couple hours passed and I heard pansy's owl (Athena) tapped on my window

Dear, y/n

Yes I have made it home safely and it's great that you have! I'm so excited to go round your house my mother and father have agreed to let me stay for a few weeks with you. I mean in a few weeks I will be able to come round your house and I will be able to stay for a few weeks. Also I'm so excited to meet Dittany she sounds amazing. The drawings are beautiful, my favourite one is the one of us looking at the stars I don't even know how to draw like that, it's amazing and I also hope to see you soon and please write everyday or I will go mad, not talking to someone I like, like you. We'll have a good night, have sweet dreams.

P.s. remember to keep the ring on incase you get hurt and I will too

P.p.s how are things with Mr.Malfoy? Have you been avoiding him? I hope so.

-The one and only, Pansy

I smiled at the letter knowing she liked my drawings and she said she liked me. I mean not like that but I don't even know anymore. The truth is I've known I like girls for a long time. Ever since I was a little kid I just knew I was...different but Pansy is just my best friend. Not something like that. I mean not even Draco knows but I suspect that he's a bit..gay...I believe he has a crush on Potter. But alas that's not my business. The only person I actually feel comfortable telling is my mum and I think I'm gonna tell her this summer. But until then I'll send more letters and await more letters.

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