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                                ~~~time skip to the day the petrified got unpetrified~~~

Pansy POV 

It's finally the day y/n gets un petrified! Yes! But we'll have to wait to the end of the day since there is so many petrified but thankfully y/n is going first since she has been in the petrified state the longest so that's good news but I still have to wait an entire day...ugh

"Wait so potter did want now?" I asked

"He killed a basilisk in the chamber of secrets apparently" Draco said

"Wait the basilisk was real?" I asked

"Yes, according to Dumbledore and Potter, also apparently some guy named Tom Riddle was there too but Potter killed him" Draco said

"And how many points were taken away from Gryffindor?" I asked

"None" Draco said

"So Potter has killed two people in two years and not even a single point gets taken away?! I got points taken away cause I was being 'too quiet' the other day-" I said

"Who took away the points?" Goyle asked

"Dumbledore! He's so bias towards his own house, he OBVIOUSLY has a favourite which is Gryffindor and he doesn't even hide it well!" I said sort of yelling

Many Slytherin heads nodded in agreement but many other Gryffindor heads were shaking in disappointment 

I rolled my eyes at the heads shaking in disappointment 

"But nothing can ruin my mood today" I said feeling better

"Why" Crabbe asked absently minded


"Oh yeah" he said un startled 

"Well I'm gonna go up to my dorm and pack up my stuff and y/n's stuff" I said

"Why we still have school for like a week" Draco said

"Well I'm hoping they let us just chill for the last week or even go home early" I said

"Wait you're excited to go home?" Draco asked confused 

"I'm staying at yours the entire summer!" I said

"Cool" Draco said

"Well bye, talk later" I said

I walked out of the great hall past the hospital wing, gosh it was all locked up and stuff so I walked right past it and went to my dorm and started packing my stuff up and y/n's stuff then I got a letter from my mums owl

Dear Pansy, your father and I have decided to leave you in the care of the malfoys forever, you are still a Parkinson you will just live there, you seem quite happy with them so I convinced your father to agree with my idea, this does not mean we don't love you cause we do, but you will be saver, better, and loved more there. This will be the last letter you get from your father or I and do NOT even try to send a letter to us, I hope you live to live a long happy life.

Love, your Mother and Father

W-what? My mom and dad were leaving me with the Malfoys?..........YESSSSSS!!! I CAN LIVE Y/N AND ILL GET TO SEE HER EVERY DAY AND SPEND TIME WITH HER AND WE WILL BE LIKE SISTERS just nooooot sisters BUT IM SOOOO EXCITED!!! 

I was practically dancing when I was called down to the great hall for some announcement or something. So I made down and waited but no announcement came instead there was silence and then a huge scream broke the silence...

"PANSY!!!!" y/n yelled as she ran at me and hugged me almost pushing me on the ground

Once y/n got in the rest of the petrified started to roll in, the great hall was no longer silent everyone was either with their lost ones who are now back to life or talking about the crazy events this year

"I-I-I thought you were dead so many times!" I said not letting go

"I knew you wouldn't leave me!" Y/n said

"Of course not!" Pansy 

" I was with you everyday after one week off- never mind of that, I'm just so happy you're back!" I said

"Me too, my limbs are soooo stiff, I feel like a rock" she let go and showed me how still she was

I hugged her tight and was so excited to tell her the news later

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