Chapter 31 Rings?

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I felt my jaw drop as I step in the front door of the large house that I've stepped in for the past five months but this time it felt like I was walking in it for the first time; the house glowed with Christmas lights everywhere, they had about four or five Christmas trees in the house all together, and the whole house was either red or green. I couldn't believe my eyes I thought I was dreaming or seeing things but just as I thought I drifted off into a deep coma I felt a hand tighten around mine. I looked to Luke to see what he wanted or what he could say to calm me down even though at this point I felt as if nothing could calm me down. My anxiety grew as we stood at the door, no one had realized that we walked in yet. Luke saw my discomfort and brought me into his arms he held me there for a little while as my breathing went back to normal. He held me out at arm's length and looked me in the eye. "I love you. Everything is going to be fine, they are going to love you." He said and I nodded along with what he was saying. I could do this I could suffer through meeting all of his family. Luke brought my head closer and kissed me on the forehead as if to say I'll protect you. He grabbed my hand and began the journey of meeting his family.

"Awe! My Lukey boy! I'm so glad you made it to your own party!!" A red headed girl promulgated as she quickly stomped her way over to Luke and I. She wore a green dress with little grinches all over it and a red Santa hat on her head. I also noticed she jingled when she walked and found that her high heels have bells on them. She embraced Luke into a bear hug mushing her left cheek against his right. Luke awkwardly chuckled.

"Aunt Chloe this is my girlfriend May." Luke put his hand on the crest of my back as if to show claim.

She gasped with happiness as she looked me up and down. I felt insecure as I felt her eyes go over every nook and cranny there was of me. "What a beautiful young lady!" She announced as she spread her arms out like she was an eagle about to soar away. "Welcome to the family! Give me a hug!" I opened my arms and she embraced me in the biggest bear hug I have ever felt. I laughed as she tried to squeeze me harder as if she wanted to squeeze the fatness out of my body. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend. I have never met one of your girlfriends, Luke. How long have you guys been together?"

"About six months." Luke casually states and my eyes bulge. Oh my god. Today was our six month anniversary I'm not sure if Luke finds that a big deal and if he does I hope he forgets about it so I can make it up to him. I feel Luke squeeze my hand with a smirk on his face he leans closer to my ear, "You alright baby?" he asked as if to tease me. I smile at him as if everything is perfectly fine and nod.


After meeting all his family I realized that his mom's side wasn't that big. His mother only had two siblings; Chloe and Mason. Both were married. Chloe was married to Aiden and she was the oldest of the siblings. Mason was married to Adeline and was the youngest of the siblings. Chloe had three kids; Derek, Sophie, and Clare. Derek was 14, Sophie was 12, and Clare was 9. Mason had one new born baby named Ellie. I thought it was a really cute name. I also got to meet Luke's grandparents. Luke's grandpa may have liked me a little too much; his name was Joseph but he told me to call him Papa because he loved it. His wife, Carrie, told him to stop hitting on me but I just laughed it off pretending like it didn't affect me.

We already opened presents but I felt horrible because I didn't get anyone anything Luke told me to not worry about it because I wasn't going to receive anything anyway; he was so wrong. Luke's mom gave me a little box and looked me in the eye. "I know you are going to be so mad at me at first but then love me. Please open it." I looked at her a little concerned on what was going to be inside but consciously opened it up. I gasped as I realized what was inside. I felt a tear slide down my cheek. I stood up from where I was properly sitting on the ground and gave her the biggest hug I could.

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