Sneak Peak On Second Book

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"Do you think she will ever wake up?" A voice whispered cracking a little because it was so quiet. The room sounded empty and hollow as the voice bounced off the walls creating a very small but dense echo.

"Brittany you know they said that she can probably hear you, so you shouldn't talk negatively in front of her."

"It's been two years! Do you really think she will wake up?" This voice that apparently belonged to Brittany said. She almost sounded angry but mostly hurt.

"Brittany please!" Someone insisted.

"Simon if she hasn't heard us for two years why she would hear us now?" Brittany sobbed. Simon spoke up.

"Come here." He sighed, and her sobs became muffled. I could hear them, but I couldn't see them. I wanted to open my eyes, but they wouldn't budge. I then tried to move my hand to see if I could move any part of my body. I heard a gasp as I felt my finger move. One finger went to my whole hand moving and I felt someone grab it like their life depended on it. I then moved my other hand since that one was held hostage.

"May can you hear me?" I wiggled my finger trying to give confirmation that I could hear this female who was grabbing onto my hand. "Oh, my lord." Utter shock and happiness exploded from her words. I heard a deep laugh.

They seemed very worried about me. I wonder who these people are. My eyes let up and I felt them flutter open. The room was bright. The lights were quite big for such a small room. I looked down at my hands and saw that they were placed on a hospital bed along with me. I was dressed in a hospital gown. Very confused I looked up to see one male and one female standing in the room. They looked shocked.

I tried to speak but much to my dismay my throat was very dry. It did not go unnoticed as the male handed me a glass of water. I took a small sip.

"Hi...." I said quietly. They had the biggest smiles on their faces. I still was unsure to who these people are. They didn't say anything. "I have a question." I again said quietly. The man in the corner spoke up.


"Who are you guys? Why am I in the hospital?" Their smiles turned to frowns. Oh no. Oh no. I said something wrong.

"Do you know who you are?" The man asked.

"No. No I don't. I know my name." The women stayed quiet and her face drooped with disappointment.

"Your name is May. I am Simon, and this is Brittany. We are your siblings." He said very calmly. I must have had confusion on my face and he sat down on the corner of my bed. "The doctor said this could happen." I still was confused. "May you were in an accident when you were 15. You were on the motorcycle with our father and crashed. You hit your head extremely hard on the pavement and it broke your skull. They had to staple it back together but because of the injury you went into a coma."

This was so much information to take in. I started shaking my head and tears were falling. I was so confused.

"Simon stop! Stop!" Brittany yelled. "You are confusing her. Go get the doctor." Simon power walked out of the room. "Everything is going to be alright. We are hear to help you." Brittany grabbed my hand. The room was silent as we waited for Simon to come back. Brittany had worry written across her face. I could tell she was trying to be strong. A young man walked into the room. He was wearing a white coat. He must be the doctor.

"May I'm glad to see you came to join us." It put a smile on my face. "I'm doctor Collins. But if you want you can call me Sam. Collins can be so formal."

"Collins is hot." I said and quickly covered my mouth. Jesus did I say that out loud! I felt warmth spread up my cheeks. Doctor Collins chuckled.

"Thank you but I must know are you referring to the name or me?" I let out a giggle. Am I flirting? Did that happen? I think back to Luke Oh no, no I am not flirting. The blush went away from my cheeks. I turned towards Brittany.

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