Chapter 33 Umm Mom?

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"Get up!" a familiar feminine voice yelled from the foot of Luke's bed which has actually been our bed for the past three days. I slowly peeled my eyes open from my slumber to see Luke's mother standing there. I realized there wasn't a warmth by me and looked to see Luke not in bed. "Get up!" She repeated. "I'm taking you on a girls day!" She added. I let out a low groan and slapped my hands on my face and dragged them down to wake myself up.
"What time is it?" I asked still half asleep.
"Around 8? time to get up!" She announced all perky. I was about to flip off the covers when I realized that I wasn't wearing pants.
"Okay I'm gonna need a half an hour."
"Don't worry about showering though, we are going to get cleaned somewhere else." she informed me as and walked away and closed the door behind her. I stood up, pausing to stretch. I walked to the bathroom but the door was closed. I knocked.
"I'm not dressed!" Luke's voice rang in the air. I shrugged to myself. I've already seen it all before I thought to myself and opened the door. Luke jumped.
"Hi." I said lightly as I stood next to him in the mirror.
"I said I wasn't dressed." he said confused I looked over his body and saw he was wearing boxers. I shrugged again.
"I love your body you don't need to hide it from me." I simply stated as I grabbed my toothbrush off the counter and spread some tooth paste across the bristles. Luke chuckled as he thought over what I just said.
"Wait really? you love my body." he said overly surprised. have I not made that clear?
"Babe, to me you are all kinds of hot." Did I just say that? what was wrong with me? I shouldn't be up this early. I began to blush at what I said.
"I mean..." I trailed off not knowing what to say. Luke's eyebrows shot up but he remained silent, as if he wanted me to drown in my own embarrassment. I quickly finished brushing my teeth and walked out of his bathroom and into his bedroom. I went into his dresser and pulled out a pair of my shorts. luke laughed as he followed me into his room.
"You're being a little bold today." I felt my face heat back up. I slipped my shorts on. "may, why is your face so red?" Luke asked me innocently. why does he do this to me?
"Because its warm in here." I lied.
"You don't have to be embarrassed about how you think I look. every time you walk into a room and smile I temporarily forget how to breathe." he admitted. which just caused me to blush more. I lifted my shirt a little to clip my bra as I stood in front of the mirror. as I looked in the mirror I saw Luke standing behind me, his eyes bugged as he watched me clip my bra and slipped my shirt off to slip the straps on, not showing my boob through any part. I turned around once I had my bra fully on. now it was my turn to tease him.
"Are you okay?" I leaned my head a little to the right to add to my innocent tone of voice.
"I-ah yeah I'm good." he stuttered trying to play it cool. I stifled a laugh. "Why do you do that to me?" he questioned me while running a hand through his hair. How is he playing victim right now? I looked through the closet for a shirt. I grabbed my favorite shirt and slipped it over my head. I walked back over to Luke who was still in his underwear. "where are you going?" he asked as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"You're mom is taking me out." I said as I gave him a peck on the lips. "maybe you should Hang out with your friends today, I feel like I stole you." I admitted looking him in the eye. I pulled away from bin as i walked back into the bathroom to brush my hair. Luke came in shortly after and stood behind me and slightly to the right. "you're so beautiful you know that?" He said with admiration in his eyes. I giggled as I finished brushing my hair. "here." he pulled out some money from behind his back.
"No." I demanded. "I don't want your money." he always tries to do this.
"You're going out with my mom. you are going to need money." he informed me.
"I've got some." I stubbornly announced.
"May just take the money." he pleaded.
"Put it back in your wallet." I demanded as I walked away from him. He followed me.
"No. may come one would you just take the money?"
"No!" I scoffed. "I'm leaving."
"Fine." He gave in as I opened the bedroom door. "I love you!" he called after me.
"I love you too!" I called back to make sure he knew I wasn't horribly mad. I cascaded down the steps, assuming that she was some where around here.
"May!" She hollered from in front of the door as I finished walking down the steps. "Ready?" She asked grabbing bed coat, I nodded as we walked I out the door and down the driveway to her already running car. We hopped into the red expensive car.
"So what are we doing today?" I asked as I brought the buckle across my body.
"Well we are going to get out nails don't and hair done. I also want to do some shopping." She went on as we pulled out of the driveway. "First we are going out for breakfast." She stated . I nodded letting her know I was listening and it wasn't any use in fighting her because she always wins. "One rule about today." She mentioned.
"What's that?" I questioned.
" you can't pay for anything." I scoffed. "I don't want to hear it. You deserve this, you make Luke the happiest I have ever seen him." She pointed at me.
We pulled into a small diner's parking lot and got out of the car. The outside was all bricks but there was a neon sign that read Angelina's diner. I opened the door for her and waited for her to walk in first. She quietly thanked me as she took her first steps. The walls looked older, they had a baby blue wall paper on them. The tables and booths were dark brown.
We were seated very quickly. The waitress was a nice young lady, probably in her early twenties she was very pretty. The poor waitress looked tired and stressed. She wore a worn pink blouse and black pants with a waitress apron. "What can I get you to order?" She asked with a large smile.
"Ill have a black coffee."
"Ill just have some orange juice." I said. The waitress nodded and walked away. I began to flip through the menu that was already sitting in the table. "Why are you doing this?" I questioned Kathryn. She sighed and closer her menu.
"Luke told me about your depression. He filled me in on the cuts on your arms and legs. I just want to be there for you. It's not-" she stopped mid-sentence as the waitress came back to give us our drinks.
"Are you ready to order?"
"I think so." I nodded.
"Okay what can I get you two young ladies?" The waitress asked.
"Ill have the pancake platter." I said and handed my menu to the waitress.
"Ill have the same." Kathryn said to my surprise. That's a lot of food.
The waitress accepted the menus and walked away with the written order in her hand.
"So what I was saying was: I'm not trying to be your mom in any way but I want you to know that I care and I really want to be there for you. Luke talks a lot about you so I am fully aware that your mom isn't in the picture but you shouldn't be mad at him for telling me any of this." She grabbed my hand over the table. When she realized I wasn't going to speak she continued. "Let me be there for you." Was her last sentence before I let the first tear fall. I never had someone care so much. Even when my dad was still around he didn't care as much.
Kathryn sat on my side of the booth. She moved my hair behind my ears and embraced me in a large hug. "Thank you." I whimpered. She hugged me tighter.
"Always." She whispered I wiped away my last tear and Kathryn moved back to her side of the booth.
Not too long after the waitress came with our food; three large, thick pancakes, five sausages, two pieces of toast and scrambled eggs.
"Thank you." I muttered to the waitress as she walked away. Kathryn and I dug into our food but if I was being completely honest we could of shared one pancake platter. We finished eating; both of us leaving half of the food on the plate. The waitress gave us the bill and told us she'd be right back.
"Watch this." Kathryn said as she dug in her purse for her wallet. The bill was about $25 Kathryn laid $200 on the table and stood up. "Let's go!" She exclaimed. I laughed in shock and rushed out of the restaurant.
"Where to first?" I asked as we were getting in the car.
"The salon. We are going to get our hair and nails done at the same time." She informed me as she pulled back on the highway.
"Kathryn?" I said as I fiddled with my fingers.
" you know you can call me mom if you'd like." She suggested.
"Okay mom?" I questioned skeptically.
"What?" She replied in the same tone as me.
"Do you think me and Luke are gonna be together for a long time?"
"I honestly do think so. I haven't seen him this in love before. It surprises me how happy you make each other." She smiled. "Here we are." She promulgated.
The salon was huge. The whole front of it was glass and it was even two stories.
"Big isn't it?" Mom asked as she noticed my staring and my jaw dropping. I nodded still unable to speak clearly. We walked in and immediately were offered help. Kathryn turned to me.
"Don't say a thing I know exactly what I'm gonna have them do to you." I was thankful because I had no clue what to tell them.
She turned back to the worker. She began whispering and then we were led to a part of the salon where they do us on just hair. They sat me in the chair and refuse to let me look in the mirror.
Yes I know I know too short or something. But I wanted a little part where Luke's mom was in it. Next chapter it goes back to Luke though so don't worry. Hopefully another chapter will be up next weekend or earlier.

Love you,


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