Chapter 32 And that was that

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There is minor sexual content in here so if you don't like reading that skip to the end. thanks for reading. ************************

Luke slowly closed his bedroom door as I walked slowly backwards to his bed. I felt the back of my knees hit the bed and I sat, letting my knees collapse and I plopped down on the bed. Luke stepped slowly towards me causing my breath to hitch in my throat; seeing the lust in his eyes really got me. He smirked when he saw the effect he had on me. He reached up and slid his hand around my neck he brought his lips to mine sending an electric shock to shoot through us causing me to want more. Luke must felt the same way I assumed because soon his tongue ran along the bottom of my lip as If to ask permission to enter. I granted by slightly sliding my lips apart. His tongue explored my mouth hungrily as our tongues fought for dominance. We slowly scooted on the bed more so that we were laying on the bed. He was practically laying on top of me. I let my lips trail down to his jaw line, the one that I found ever so sexy, I trailed down to his neck in search of his sweet spot. He let out a quiet throaty moan and I knew that I found it. I began nibbling and suckin on the spot, he growled hungrily as I felt his hands slip up my dress slowly. My breath hitched in my throat as I felt the need of having his hands on my body. He kept raising his hands and reached my bra. He began to massage my breasts over the bra. I hungrily brought my lips to his. He pulled off his shirt making me a little nervous, I didn't want to go all the way. Luke must of noticed the worry in my eyes as he stopped and asked, "what's wrong?" I gave him a small, shy smile.
" I don't want to go all the way tonight." I let out breathlessly. Luke nodded understandably.
" I know and that's fine we don't have to yet." I smiled as I attached my lips to his and let my hands a roam his chest. Luke let out a moan. He pulled my dress over my head. I was thankful I was wearing leggings to cover my cuts on my legs. I was so insecure about my stomach so I tried covering it with my hands and arms. Luke began to notice and pried my arms and hands away while keeping eye contact with me. " you're beautiful, all of you." He ducked his head down and lightly kissed my stomach. He suddenly made his way back up but stopped at my breasts he kissed my right one. I slammed my eyes shut; my boobs were my weakness. He sucked and nibbled on it. I grabbed a fist full of his hair and moaned. He must of really liked how it affected me because it earned a hungry growl from him and he brought his lips back to mine.
I flipped us over so that I was straddling him now. I flipped my hair to one side as I trailed hisses from his lips to his neck, then to his stomach until I reached his pants button. I slowly unbuttoned his pants watching his jaw drop and eyes impatiently beg for me to continue. I pulled off his dress pants leaving only his boxers left. I then realized how big his bump was. I giggled as I noticed what I actually did to him. His eyes watches in lust as I, at first, slowly pulled down his boxers and then fast. I pulled them off and let them fling on the floor.
I'm not going to lie I have seen many pictures and everything. they were mostly seen unwillingly but I thought I knew what to expect. let me tell you though they seemed a lot bigger in person. I slowly wrapped my hand around it which caused him to buck his hips. I began to slowly move my hand back and forth causing him to let out a low throaty moan. After a while I decided to replace my hand with my lips. Luke must of liked that idea because once I did that he let out a loud, sexy moan. I never heard him sound like that but I liked it. I ran my tongue around the tip, slowly gliding more into my mouth. not long after he reached his peak, I could tell by the way his legs twitched. "I'm gonna...." he trailed not finishing what he was saying but it was clear what he meant. I nodded knowingly. "Can I?" he questioned. I nodded hesitantly. All of a sudden he gushed into my mouth. honestly, it didn't taste good but it didn't taste horrible. I quickly swallowed not wanting to keep the taste in my mouth. I looked up at Luke. his emotions weren't clear to me. "holy shit." Luke said as he ran a hand through his hair. I didn't know if I should take that as a good thing or not. I slowly slid off Luke and grabbed his shirt off the floor to cover myself. I stood up and made my way to the bathroom, I wanted to brush my teeth, he can't really kiss me right now after I just had my mouth on you know. "What are you doing? He said loudly, still laying down on the bed.
"I'm gonna brush my teeth." I simply stated as I opened the bathroom door and walked into it leaving the bathroom door open. I began brushing my teeth when I saw him walk up behind me in the mirror. he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. he had his boxers back on.
He brought his mouth closely to my ear and whispered, " its your turn." my heart skipped a little. I have cuts on my leg. I spit out the remaining tooth paste in my mouth into the sink and rinsed off my brush.
"Not tonight." I lightly said. I didn't want him to see my scars but also I wasn't ready for anything to happen to me.
"Did I do something wrong?" he panicked. I shook my head as I placed my tooth brush in the holder.
"I just think that was enough for today."
I turned around in his arms and brought my lips up to his. he pulled away.
"Mmm minty." he mumbled. I laughed, shaking my head. his face became somber. "hey baby." He said trying to get my attention. I looked up into his eyes to show that he had my attention. "that was actually really super hot." He smirked as he pulled me closer to his body and placed his lips on mine. He broke the kiss.
"Hey wanna watch a movie?" I asked. he nodded slightly so I led us over to the couch. Luke sat down and pulled me into his lap. I grabbed the remote and turned to his face. "what movie babe?"
"Whatever. comedy." he said as I flipped through the many choices. I chose the fluffy movie because I love that guy. who doesn't? once we started watching the movie both of started to drift asleep. I climbed off of his lap and pulled him over to the bed.
I woke up with a sense of shock; did I just do that? did I really give him a blow job? damn! wait what if i wasn't any good at it. I would of panicked more but I felt Luke's arms tighten around my waist.i looked at his arms admiring the muscles that bulged out. I saw a smirk crawl on Luke's face, telling me he was awake but he was pretending he wasn't. "good morning babe." I said as I brought my hands over his pecs. "I love your muscles." I whispered quiet enough so I thought he wouldn't hear me. I felt Luke's body shake with laughter.
"Don't be a creep." Luke joked.
"Im not." I pretended to be offended. I rubbed my hands up his bare shoulders.
"Hey babe."
"Hmm" I numbed a little distracted by the way his muscles flexed.
"Do you regret anything?" he questioned. My eyes shot to his. I noticed the worry in his eyes.
"No why would I regret it?" I asked, snuggling into him. I endured his warmth. as I moved I felt my bare legs rub against the fancy, expensive sheets. I saw my leggings on the floor. shit.
"I just know you are protective of that kind of stuff." Luke brought up.
"I've kind if been thinking about that." I admitted with out making eye contact.
"About what?" Luke looked at me confused.
"Maybe we won't have to wait until marriage. If that's okay with you." I but my lip and Luke gave me an unsure look.
"Why did you change your mind?"
"Well, I just know that I have to do it with someone who I love and they love me back. do you love me?" I asked softly already knowing the answer.
"Yes, of course I do." he said breathlessly.
"I mean it might be a little bit but I'm saying maybe we don't have to wait that long. you know?"
"I'm willing to wait as long as you want. I don't want to pressure you into anything." he daringly stated.
I raised my head and let my eyes scan his beautiful face. oh what this boy does to me.
"I love you." I placed my lips on his.
"I wuv you to the moon and back and back again!" He cooed in a baby's voice. I laughed at his voice and kissed him this time with deeper passion.
"I have to tell you something." I bit my lip. I had to bring up the cuts before he saw them.
"The cuts on your leg?" he asked raising an eyebrow. I gave him a shocked look. " I got up to pee last night and your leg got uncovered by the blanket. What's wrong May?" He asked in concern. I loved it. I love that he cares. I don't know what's wrong though sometimes it just happens. there's nothing I can really do to stop it.
"I'm not sure. sometimes I can't give a straight answer."
" You're going to stay the rest of vacation here. I don't want to to be living in a place you're so unhappy at." he didn't ask me he just sort of told me, but I couldn't disagree. he was right.
"Okay but you have to convince Shelly." I told him and that was that.
Ok so it was a little intense at first and this chapter may be a little short but next chapter should be longer. just keep in mind I'm typing it off my iPod so it takes forever to type and there is probably more grammatical errors. Bare with me.

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