Chapter 10 The Poster

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"Why exactly?" I said gently running my thumb across his face over his bruised eye.

"He wanted me to stay away from you. He told me that I wasn't allowed to see you." He looked into my eyes.  I sighed. I put a little pressure to his eye. He hissed.

"Sorry. Just don't listen to him, Okay? I want to be with you it's not his choice." I looked into his eyes, I still gently rubbed over his eye.

"Babe that's sweet but not to be totally weird you need to stop rubbing my eye." He said and his lip slightly pulled up. I pulled my hand away.

"Sorry." I said a little confused. "Let's go get you cleaned up." I said and Luke looked into my eyes.

"I love it how you are worried about me." He had one of those sexy smirks on his face. I smiled.

"Of course I'm worried. Now can we go back to your house so we can clean up your hand and eye?" I asked and Luke leaned down and planted a kiss on my lips. I smiled half way through the kiss. 

"Let's go." We split as we both went to each side of the truck. I climbed in, having less trouble than usual. Luke slid in and started the car. He turned around and went like he was going to my house. I just sat a little confused. He then turned in the opposite direction to the road with the huge mansion at the end of the short dead end road. He pulled into the Mansions drive way. 

"I thought you lived down the road from my house..." I trailed off. 

"I technically do." Luke said looking over to me in the car. I opened the car door and slid out and Luke did the same. 

The driveway was one of those circle driveways that had all the pretty flowers in the middle and then the front door had four steps in front of it. The color of the house was a reddish-brown, it was utterly beautiful. He took my hand. I kind of dragged behind Luke. "Umm." I kind of stopped outside the truck. 

"It's fine. I promise you." He said and I hesitantly kept walking. Luke opened the big brown door which had a stain glass window towards the top. When Luke opened the door he revealed a beautiful walk through room. When you first walked it slightly towards your right there was the stairs to the upstairs and you could see the railing that went across almost like a loft. There was also a bench right when you walk in next to the steps. I stepped in and just waited for Luke to follow. I stood awkwardly. "Relax. Nobody is even home. Come on we are going up to my room." We climbed the steps. We took a left once we reached the top of the steps. We walked into a hallway and I saw an open door to a very, very nice bedroom we continued walking straight and to the right was a huge room full of games. Luke kept pulling me along and he led me to a door. He opened the door and displayed a huge bedroom. First when you walk in you see a chest in front of a huge bed and next to the chest is a guitar and a microphone to your right. To your left you will see a mini fridge and a cupboard with a microwave on it. Beyond that was sliding doors for a closet and a dresser. I kept walking in total amazement and let go of Luke's hand. I walked past his bed and noticed patio doors for outside and was just about to open them when I looked to my right and I noticed a huge TV with a couch and two video chairs. I turned around to see Luke's face but then he was gone. 

"Luke?" I said loudly. 

"In here." I heard him say from a room that was through some doors that was next to his closet door. I walked in to an immense bathroom. It wasn't very wide but it was long. Once you walked in the room looked tiny because of the width but then you looked to your right and you realized you were totally wrong. There was a huge tub in the far left corner of the bathroom and in the right corner there was a toilet and next to the toilet there was a cupboard. Luke was sitting on the edge of the tub. He had a first aid kit open, struggling to get his cut cleaned out. 

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