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Tomorrow was finally moving day, and Chester was more than excited. Not just about moving into their new home, but about seeing Ryan and Jason and Julien, who were currently driving down from Seattle. The other couple had been on the road for two full days now, and they were only about an hour outside of L.A. That meant there was time for Chester and Mike to have one last private moment together in their apartment before they would be playing host to their friends for the evening.

The moment Mike was out of the shower, Chester was ready to swap places with him to take his turn getting clean. "I want you naked on the bed, Sexy Boy, by the time I'm done," Chester called over his shoulder before disappearing into the bathroom. There was no time for slow romance or taking hours to shower affection on each other for this last night at their apartment. The apartment they both loved so much. The apartment that truly signified their independence as a couple. It was their first place they were paying for all on their own. The place where they got engaged, and then where they spent their wedding night. The place where Julien spent the first month of his life. The place that mended broken things between them and Jason and Ryan. The place where they'd decided to adopt the girls. The place where Mike finally realized he needed to reach out for help, and the haven they'd both come home to on many hard days.

The apartment had served them well over the last year, and already he and Mike had talked about how much they would miss it more than once. Even though the new house was beautiful and would give them space to grow with the girls, leaving their apartment tomorrow would be bittersweet.

But that wasn't on Chester's mind as he scrubbed himself clean. Tonight he was on a mission. He needed to hurry along his shower, so he and Mike could have one last romp in their bedroom together before they told it goodbye tomorrow. Ryan, Jason, and Julien would be showing up soon, and Chester had no intentions of spending their last sexual experience in their apartment with their friends. This was just for him and Mike, and Chester was excited to make it happen and make it special somehow.

He managed his shower in record time. He hadn't even taken clothes to the bathroom with him. He walked out with only a gray towel slung around his hips, and his eyes landed on their couch. He knew the implied thought was that Ryan and Jason would be climbing into bed with them later to crash from the long drive and get some sleep, but Chester was feeling suddenly very protective of their private space. Of Mike. We'll make the couch up for them. They can make it one night on it. They slept on it for weeks before, when Julien was first born.

It was decided in his head. He and Mike would have their time together, and tonight they would curl up in bed alone to have their last sleep in the beloved space before moving day tomorrow. Chester was ready to tell Mike all about his plan, but thoughts of their friends vanished when he stepped into the bedroom to see Mike exactly as Chester had asked him to be - naked on the bed. Mike's hair was still a little damp, his hand lazily scratching up and down his naked stomach as he laid on his back, his eyes closed with a smile on his face.

It was impulse. Chester stepped over to the side of the bed, soaking up the sight of his husband and licking his lips. "Come here, Sexy Boy," he called, waving his hand through the air to the space directly in front of him. "Bring your sexy ass right here." He sucked on his lip ring as he watched Mike smile at him and ask what he was thinking, all while he did what he was told. Mike was up on his hands and knees, his bottom backed up and right in front of Chester, as requested.

"Oh, you know," Chester said as he looked down at Mike's bottom. "I'm just going with the flow." He ran his hands over both of his husband's ass cheeks, while his cock twitched from behind the towel. The more he looked, the more he wanted as he pulled at Mike's skin, and revealed his husband's anal opening. He leaned over, and kissed the small of Mike's back first. "I love you," he whispered as he went. "And I love that you're my husband." He kissed down the left side of Mike's ass, and then the right, before pulling both sides apart to kiss the puckered ring of Mike's opening. He heard his husband gasp, and Chester smiled.

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