A Heavy Breakfast

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The house smelled like bacon as Chester flipped the next two pieces of french toast. He already had a stack of six next to him on a plate, ready to be divided out. He just needed a few more. Everyone would take at least two - though he was sure Mike would probably snag a third piece if it was available. Even Julien would probably gum a piece of the eggy toast down while he sat at the table with them later. But with no syrup, Chester thought as he scooted the next two finished pieces onto the plate next to the stove. He covered it back up with foil to keep everything warm before he grabbed his bowl of egg bath and two fresh pieces of bread to get them dipped and frying. The bacon would be done in just a few minutes, and it was looking like everything would be coming together at the same time. And T will probably want to come out and eat.

He glanced towards his and Mike's side of the house. He hadn't seen Talinda yet this morning, and that was a little concerning. It was Sunday, so there was no work, but usually she was out of her room and waiting for breakfast by now. He had to figure she was taking extra time this morning because last night was a lot. Rob coming over for dinner was a lot, especially since it had caught them all off guard, Talinda included. He couldn't blame her for wanting extra time alone to rest and think, but it was one less voice around at the moment.

Chester sighed. After the morning romp in Jason and Ryan's bed, everyone had kind of gone their own ways. Chester and Mike grabbed a quick shower and then Chester had headed to the kitchen, getting coffee started and then bacon and french toast. Ryan was on the floor in the living room with Julien on his play mat. The baby had slept late and had already had a morning breakfast bottle, so he was content for the moment. Jason was on the couch, a book in his hands, and Mike was sitting at the dining room table, his sketch tablet in front of him.

There was no conversation, and that left Chester alone in his head, which wasn't always a good thing. Rob seems to make her happy. I hope they work it out, even though I'm still not sure about him. I hope he knows me and Ry will be keeping a close eye on him if he does stay around.

Chester frowned at his sizzling french toast.I know it's awkward for Ry. He was so nervous last night. I guess it's almost kind of like what we're all doing together. That was a new thought as Chester flipped the french toast to brown the other side. It was almost an epiphany to realize that Talinda was falling right in line with the four of them. Chester and Mike were together, but so were Mike and Jason. Ryan and Jason were together, but so were Chester and Ryan. They all had a sexual history - and sometimes present - together. And now Talinda was dating Ryan's ex. And when they get around to sleeping together, that will be another connection. Not that any of us would ever sleep with Rob, but still. Or, we wouldn't now. I guess Ry did. A lot.

Another sigh came out as Chester looked away from the food and out into the living room. Ryan looked relaxed and handsome as he sat on the floor in black shorts and a matching black muscle shirt. No socks or shoes. So many of his black and gray tattoos were showing, and his hair looked great. It was partially shaved on the sides - a choice made by Ezra Gold from the trip to New York - and Ryan had kept up with the off-to-the-side part in his dark hair, making it hang over the shaved bits perfectly. Just the sight of him always had Chester smiling, and this morning was no exception.

Memories from less than an hour ago hit as he watched Ryan hand Julien a squishy book to look at. Even though Chester and Mike had engaged in sex that morning, they'd been right next to Ryan and Jason. Chester's focus had been squarely on his husband for most of it, but right at the end, he'd heard Ryan hit his climax, and Chester's body had reacted. His own orgasm had hit hard and fast, catching up to Ryan's as they'd moaned together. It was a different experience than what they were used to. Normally Chester got his first, and Ryan would enjoy it before following with his own release. But this morning was different. Because they weren't together, it had allowed their orgasms to line up, even though that hadn't been planned or even a goal in the mind of either of them. It had naturally happened, and Chester rather enjoyed it. It was like having a piece of Mike and a piece of Ryan all at the same time, and that was fun. Satisfying.

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