Sleeping Over

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Chester yawned as he walked from the bedroom back out to the living room, his pillow under his arm. The evening with Rob Bourdon was finally over, and after a quick shower, Chester was ready to crash. But he was also feeling a little restless. In general he felt like dinner had gone well. Despite how awkwardly it had all started, conversation and the familial bond between most of them had carried the night through dinner, to dessert, to coffee afterwards. It was after nine before Rob had gently kissed Talinda and told the household thank you and goodnight.

Talinda had almost immediately gone to bed after. She was exhausted, and Chester knew she had a lot to think about before she would see Rob tomorrow and a long conversation would happen. Which was fine. Chester didn't want to butt in until Talinda had time to process and time to talk to Rob.

But that left Chester's tired mind still buzzing. He yawned again as he scratched his nails over his bare skin. He was only in a pair of black and pink boxers as he stopped and looked around. The living room was silent. He knew Julien was already asleep. The infant had been a constant source of entertainment, and Chester was grateful for the part Julien had played in the evening. He'd been a great distraction and had served as a chunk of the general conversation around the table as he babbled and laughed and got mad when the food was gone. He'd managed to throw pudding at Jason, and that had brought belly laughs from everyone. It had been a good night, but a complicated one. That's what was on Chester's mind as he scooped Cheese up and sat her on his pillow while he wandered back through the hallway.

Ryan and Jason's light was on, their bedroom door open, so Chester stepped right in. The other couple was sitting up, their backs against their pillows, their bottom halves hidden under their plush white blanket. "It's been a long fucking night," Chester whined as he dropped Cheese off at the bottom of the bed, and then crawled right up the middle, laying down between Ryan and Jason with his pillow, being careful of his cast. He didn't want to scrape anyone with it. He yawned again, his body feeling heavy. "I can't believe how much older Rob looks. Right?" he asked, peering up at Ryan with one eye open. "I mean, I haven't seen him in a long fucking time, so I guess that's why. But he looks so...mature."

Ryan nodded as he watched Cheese trot up the center of their bed like she owned it. She sniffed around Chester's legs and naked stomach before laying down right there, up against his belly. "Yeah," Ryan agreed quietly. "I just saw him a few months ago at the store, but I think tonight was the first time I ever saw him dressed up. I think that added to him looking older. Put together." He glanced over at Jason, before looking down at Chester, who was on his side, his cast up out of the way as he barely rubbed over the dog's head. "Where's Mike?"

"Bathroom," Chester said. "I thought I'd come talk while I waited on him."

Jason's eyes met Ryan's. They'd been talking about dinner and Rob before Chester came in, too. The whole evening had been bizarre, and Jason knew Ryan's feelings were a little hurt over how different Rob had been. He was nothing like Jason expected, either, after the last time he'd seen him. But none of it really mattered. It was clear Talinda was into him, and ultimately Jason knew that if she was happy, Ryan would never be the one to take that happiness away from her. They were in a wait and see situation, and Jason looked down at Chester. "Talk?" he teased, "with your pillow? You look like you came to sleep."

Chester rolled just enough to look over his shoulder and up at Jason. "Well I wanted to be comfortable while I waited for Sexy Boy."

"Mhm," Jason hummed. "Looks like you achieved that goal. But if Mike comes in here carrying a pillow, just know we'll see right through you."

Chester reached behind him, his fingers brushing over Jason's chin and cheek playfully as he spoke. "If he comes in here with a pillow, that's not my fault. He doesn't even know I'm here."

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