S'mores and Sex

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Ryan was first out of the shower, and he was okay leaving Jason on his own to pick out which pajamas he'd be putting on for the night. In the meantime, Ryan stopped by Julien's room to check on him one last time before the s'more party started. The baby was asleep, and Ryan could tell he'd probably be out the entire night. He kissed Julien's head lightly, and tucked his blanket around him a little, and then quietly left him to sleep. He's such a good baby, he thought with a proud papa smirk before he headed to the kitchen with the baby monitor in hand.

He smiled the moment he saw Chester there, counting out graham crackers. There was no one else around, and after leaving the baby monitor on the counter, Ryan slid up behind his friend. "Chazzy," he said, kissing up his neck playfully. "I want a marshmallow when you get to that part."

Chester didn't mind Ryan being behind him. It was a relief having Ryan so close these days, after having him so far away over the last two years - both emotionally and physically at different times. Chester pushed his hips backwards playfully. "You marshmallow monster. You and Jay both are always after marshmallows."

Ryan stopped, his thoughts turning to his husband and a softer smile flooded his face. "They're special to us," he mumbled but didn't say more before he stepped back, and turned to lean against the counter beside Chester. "Swimming was fun earlier."

Chester only glanced Ryan's way before his concentration was on his work. He needed to break up some chocolate bars and put them on top of the graham crackers. "It was. I'm really stoked we have our own pool. I miss swimming. I always liked it at YRS. It was one of my favorite parts of being there."

Ryan nodded. "Mine too. It was always fun playing with everyone. Playing with you," he said, his voice dropping as he nudged Chester's arm. "That's what we didn't get to do earlier. We didn't get to play in the water at all. I was looking forward to dunking your ass. And getting a kiss."

Chester rolled his lips together, trying not to laugh. "There's two reasons those things didn't happen and one was your fault and one was mine." He looked over to see the confused look on Ryan's face. Chester left his chocolate behind and turned to face Ryan properly. "Julien," he said, stabbing Ryan in the chest over his black muscle shirt. "And Talinda." He pointed at himself. "There's no roughhousing in the pool or making out with either of them there."

"I didn't say anything about making out," Ryan defended immediately. "I just said I was looking forward to a kiss, and I haven't gotten it." He stuck his bottom lip out and made his eyes big dramatically, hoping to go for a poor little Ryan look.

And it worked.

"Awww," Chester said, and before he knew it, he grabbed Ryan's shirtfront with both hands and pulled him forward, joining their lips. It was meant to be funny. Meant to be quick. But that kiss turned to two, and Chester's hands let go of Ryan's shirt to wrap his arms around Ryan's neck instead.

Ryan's eyes were shut, his hands on the hips of Chester's pajama pants as he whimpered into kiss number three. As he licked over Chester's lip ring, and pulled him closer. He loved Jason. He loved his husband more than anyone. But being close to Chester was always welcome, and it was hard to say no.

Chester wasn't sure how many times they kissed before they both pulled back. Ryan's cheeks had just a hint of blush on them, and Chester's body was warm. It was time to stop. He knew they both knew it. He glanced around the living room, but there was no sign of their husbands. "Do you want a bite of chocolate?" he asked through a labored breath, and the moment Ryan nodded, Chester was feeding him a piece. He watched as Ryan pulled it from his fingers, his lips lingering there and leaving a damp feel on Chester's skin. "I'm so glad you're not far away anymore," Chester whispered as he watched.

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