Coming Home

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The next morning came quickly. Even though there was no set time to return to the hospital to see Talinda and the newborn girls, there was group unity in the idea that sooner was better than later. Chocolate cheesecake in bed had been the plan for both couples, but excitement had put that plan on hold. Cheesecake could wait till later, in between trips back and forth to the hospital. It would be enjoyed with coffee at the dining room table instead of in bed.

Dessert was the last thing on everyone's minds as breakfast burritos landed on their plates and Julien ate his morning cereal before they all piled into two cars. The sun was shining and traffic hadn't been bad, and it left everyone in a great mood as they headed down the hallway of the hospital.

Chester was leading the way, with Mike's hand in his, while Ryan, Jason, and Julien followed close behind. He couldn't wait to see his girls again. After a full eight hours of hard sleep, he felt great. Refreshed. Rejuvenated, and ready to check on Talinda and then hold his and Mike's daughters. He couldn't help but wonder if they'd grown any since they saw them yesterday or if they did okay in the nursery last night. The hospital had both his and Mike's numbers in case something happened, and Chester took it as a good sign that they hadn't heard a peep. Not even from Talinda.

He smiled wide at the thought of later this evening. Tonight when it was time to go home, he and Mike wouldn't be going alone. They would pack up the twins and get all of Talinda's things she'd brought with her, and they would all be going home together. They would have a full week at home before Talinda and the girls would go back in for their first check up, and Chester was excited for that, too. Getting past that first check up would be a relief that everyone was healthy and recovering, and that was at the top of his concern list.

"There it is," Chester announced as soon as he could see Talinda's room. The door was closed, but that fit with how yesterday was, too. There were a lot of people on the floor - nurses, families, custodians, doctors, and visitors. It only made sense that doors would be closed so new mothers and fathers could relax and recuperate together with their newborns.

They stopped in front of the door that was plastered with pink - pictures of pink flowers, balloons, and teddy bears. It made Chester smile. Pink had always been one of his favorite colors. He let go of Mike's hand to open the door, not bothering to knock. Talinda knew they would all be showing up this morning.

The door opened, and the first thing he saw was Rob Bourdon.

It wasn't what he was expecting, and Chester actually stopped right in the doorway as he watched Rob gently rock a pink bundle in his arms. It was confusing, and it took a second for Chester's attention to drift to the bed, where Talinda had the other pink bundle. She was smiling down at the baby he couldn't quite see. She was sitting up in bed, with her hair fixed and a real shirt on, not the hospital gown she'd worn yesterday. It was almost surreal, and Chester couldn't seem to find his voice.

Talinda noticed when the door opened, and despite the surprised look on Chester's face, she smiled at him. "Come on in," she said, her voice just above a whisper. "They just got their diapers changed and they both ate. You're just in time to see them before they pass out again."

She glanced over at Rob, who had moved closer to the bed. He'd been there for the last hour, not only checking up on her, but he had fed Lila her bottle and was now rocking her to sleep. Even though these tiny bundles weren't ultimately going to go home with Talinda, it still pulled at her heartstrings that Rob was involving himself. That he cared enough about her to care about the two tiny babies that not only weren't his, but Talinda wouldn't be keeping.

Chester was still in a daze as he took a few steps into the room. "That's great. God, T, you look so much better today than you did yesterday," he offered first as he went to the opposite side of the bed as Rob. He leaned down to kiss her cheek and squeeze her shoulder before his attention went to the baby in her arms. "She's so pretty. Just like you," he said with an encouraging smile.

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