Naughty Ice Cream

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It was early when Chester opened his eyes. The room was covered in the shadows of morning, letting him know the sun was on its way up. He was warm, and he snuggled up closer to the heat source next to him without a lot of thought, until his fingers caressed over Ryan's chest. The feel of the sparse amount of hair that was there brought Chester's eyes all the way open as he sat up on his elbow, his mouth open as he looked into Ryan's sleeping face. Shit.

It was a few seconds of panic, of remembering where he was before he twisted around, and breathed a sigh of relief. Mike was right there, less than an arm's length away. His husband was sound asleep and flat on his stomach, his hair in his eyes. The sight made Chester smile as he leaned over and brushed Mike's bangs from his face. "Good morning, Sexy Boy," he whispered, before moving enough to kiss his husband's forehead.

His eyes skipped past Mike to Jason, who was curled up on his side and facing away from the rest of the bed. Memories from last night skidded across Chester's mind before he looked down at himself and frowned. He was naked, and he could feel a certain amount of stickiness on him. I don't think we cleaned up. They did, he whined in his head as he pulled the sheet up and looked under it. Mike and Jason were both head to toe in pajamas, while he and Ryan were butt naked. Jeez, he grumbled before he sat all the way up. He looked back at Ryan for a minute before patting him on the leg, over top of the sheet. It was a fun night. For all of us, I think. I hope.

A second later he heard a familiar whine, and Chester leaned over Ryan's sleeping body to see Cheese sitting at the side of the bed, looking up at him, wagging her tail before she stood up and started to dance. Chester knew exactly what that meant, and he had to agree. He needed to pee, too. "Okay, Cheesy Girl. I'm coming," he whispered to the terrier. He quickly leaned back to plop another quick kiss to Mike's face, and then he was scooting out of the bed, trying his best not to disturb the others.

He yawned as he scratched his side while walking through the house. Unlike Mike and Jason, he had no problem walking through the house totally naked. No one could see inside their wall of windows that led out to the backyard, and Chester didn't think twice about opening up the patio door and letting Cheese outside. The warm morning air hit his skin and made his dick twitch, and Chester laughed as he looked down at himself a little more critically. He could feel stickiness on his cock and his ass and he could feel the aftermath of a night of rambunctious anal sex. He smiled as he shook his head at Ryan, and with that came deeper thoughts. The last time they'd had sex, it had been slow and emotional, packed full of their hearts and bodies relishing in being allowed to join together for the first time after so many years, and they'd both enjoyed it for what it was.

But last night was more like a party,Chester decided as he stepped into the kitchen. He'd always enjoyed sex with Ryan. Their chemistry was toe to toe, and there was a complete level of trust when it came to Ryan Shuck that had been built over their years of friendship and working together at YRS. Chester had zero doubts that at any point - whether that was before things really got started or after Ryan was already deep inside of him - that he could say stop, and it would, with no hard feelings. He knew Ryan would respect his wishes, even if they were whispered or whimpered or given away by the expression on his face instead of through words. That level of respect had created a safe space with Ryan that Chester felt free inside of. It was nice to have that back, to be able to let go in that way that he still sometimes hesitated about when it came to being with Mike.

But that wasn't something he wanted to dwell on. He loved his husband, despite all of their issues from the past. Sex with Mike was fulfilling in a different way, and in Chester's compartmentalized thinking, it wasn't a problem. The night had left him satisfied, and before long he was humming as he cleaned up the s'more plates from last night and got the coffee maker started. It was the weekend, so no one had to rush off to work, but he knew his household would be getting up soon.

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