Back to Score

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Once the idea of Ryan going back to Score was presented, it didn't take long to get the ball rolling. After discussing it with Jason, Ryan felt brave enough to take the next step. A few conversations were had between him, Chester, and Talinda until Ryan finally decided he wanted to ask Forrest Mullan for a meeting.

That meeting was today, and Chester was more nervous for his friend than he could put into words. It was the end of the day, which he was thankful for. Ryan had walked into Score headquarters over an hour ago. Chester had been stuck in a meeting with the creative team. A meeting he hadn't been able to get out of. It had been hard to concentrate through the normal reading of sales numbers, and discussions over their upcoming changes in lines and styles for the new year. It was something Chester was deeply interested in, and had already sat through what felt like a million meetings and debates about Score in the coming year. He cared. He was thrilled he now had a voice in the matter, and wasn't just the vehicle for the clothes anymore.

But today it was hard to be invested with his mind on Ryan and what was happening behind the closed door of Forrest's office. By the time Greg Talobt - the head of the creative team - finally let everyone go home for the day, Chester was already jumping out of his chair. He made it to the great room, ready to head down the next hallway to lurk around Forrest's office, but Talinda had stopped him. She was quick to say Ryan was still in with Forrest, and Chester needed to stay calm. She'd left a kiss on his cheek before announcing she would be in her office wrapping things up for the day - and he and Ryan had better stop and see her before they went home.

Chester promised they would, but now he was left alone. Pacing. It was almost maddening to be left alone with his thoughts. It didn't take long for him to sprint back to the front of the building, grab his backpack and come back to the great room. He flopped down on one of the couches and dug out his journal and rainbow pen. He flipped it open to the next available page and started writing.

I can't believe Ry's going to be coming back to Score. I mean, I hope he is. Fuck. He'll be totally crushed if Forrest decides it's not a good idea.

The thought stopped the pink letters on the page, and Chester's face sank as he blankly stared out at the city view. What if Forrest said no? It was the exact fear Ryan had expressed, and now, for the first time, Chester felt it, too.

He clicked his pen to black.

That would be awful. It would really hurt Ry. I mean, I could see why Forrest would say no. Ry really fucked up before, but he's better now. He's better now than he was then! Before the drugs and the drinking. He's healthy and he's a daddy and he's married and he looks so good. He's always been hot, but these days, I think he is even more. It's not just that he's hot, he's...handsome. He's a fucking handsome man, and he has the best heart. I know Forrest knows that. It would be so much fun for him to be here with me and T again, even if it's only part time. Ry loves being home with Julien, so I know he would never want to come back full time, but a freelance contract would be awesome for him. And I know it bothers him that he's not giving anything financially to the house.

Chester pursed his lips as he looked down at his fresh paragraph of thoughts before he clicked his pen to green and moved down a line to start again.

Jay makes really good money. From his job and from the YRS stuff still making money. Hell, even I make money from that now. But Ry, he doesn't have any money of his own, and I know that bothers him more than he likes to let on. Getting a modeling gig now and again will be good for him. I hope.

He glanced toward the other side of the room, but it was empty. The building itself was almost quiet now as people filtered through to go home. While he'd been pacing, a dozen of his co-workers had crossed through the great room, telling him good night and other such pleasantries, but most everyone was gone now. It made Chester feel a little more alone as he looked down at his journal and let out a sigh. Waiting was so hard, especially when someone he loved was involved.

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