Pretty in Pink

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It was early when Ryan stretched enough in his sleep that it woke him up. His toes were pointing at the end of the bed, his arms practically over his head as he yawned, and then cracked his eyes open. The bedroom was still shaded in the soft light of morning, and the baby monitor on the nightstand was quiet. Appreciation for Julien and his good sleeping habits made Ryan smile as he instinctively rolled toward Jason. His husband was on his side, and from what Ryan could tell, still fast asleep.

After the impromptu foursome last night with Mike and Chester, Ryan and Jason had snuck away for a private shower. They had lingered under the warm water, playfully rubbing soap all over each other as they kissed and exchanged words of love and affection and loyalty. It had been grounding, and needed after the experience they'd just walked through together. When they were done, and had returned to the bedroom, they found it empty, with no sign of Mike or Chester.

Which was fine, Ryan mumbled in his head as he curled his arm around Jason's waist to pull him closer. His nose was right next to Jason's dark hair and he could still smell the clean scent from the shower only hours before. Last night was fun, but it was a lot.

That thought brought Ryan's eyes open, and a second later he was up on his elbow, looking down at the side of Jason's sleeping face - the handsome face he loved with long eyelashes and a cute nose and perfect lips. The sight of his sleeping Jason made him sigh with a smile before his thoughts moved forward. Even though Ryan was no stranger to threesomes and foursomes and even larger groups, it was the first time he'd been in such a situation with Jason. His Jason, who was also an ex-porn star, though that had been before Ryan was in the business.

It's been awhile since any of us have done something like that.

He went to brush his fingers through Jason's hair, but stopped as the sudden memory of sharing a bed with Rob and Sam popped into his mind. It sent a chill straight through him and he quickly pushed that away before snuggling back down in bed and wrapping his arm back around his husband. Last night was a million times better. It was fun, and everyone was into it. were being so naughty, he teased in his mind as he ran his hand up and down the front of Jason's silk white pajama top. The words that had come out of his husband's mouth the night before - the orders - tumbled through Ryan's mind, and he smiled. Jason's ability to take charge and make sure everything was in order and working smoothly had always been a turn on, and last night Ryan got to witness that side of his husband in the sexiest way possible.

He wasn't just giving directions to me, he was telling Mike and Chazzy what to do, too. Not in a mean way. Someone had to be in control. I think I gave a few orders myself. Look at me, being in charge.

The thought made him chuckle quietly as he nuzzled his face into Jason's hair, sniffing in the smell he loved. It was familiar and safe, and being alone in bed made that feeling triple. Mike did a good job following orders, too. I'm shocked. He's always been so damn stubborn. And Chazzy...

Ryan opened his eyes as he picked his head up. Their bedroom door was standing open so they could hear if Julien woke up, just in case the baby monitor failed them. He waited, staring out the doorway, but there wasn't any sound in the house. He took it from me and Mike both last night. I'm sure he's okay.

Ryan shut his eyes as his head fell back to his pillow. His ass was so open last night...I had him stretched so far. I know that's going to leave him sore today, but it made things better last night. I felt him come. God, he came hard, too. I bet he came so hard because he was stretched like that. I need to check on him when we get up. I know it's been a long time since he's had two dicks in him. Not just dicks, but we both came inside of him. He had a Ryan and Mike cum cocktail last night. He's so crazy. And so good. He felt so good.

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