Not So Carnal Delight

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The flight to New York had been brutal. Flying across the country was already a task, but landing in a snowstorm that caused turbulence, and left Chester shaken by the time they landed, didn't help. At some point during the flight, Ryan's hand had gone to Chester's bouncing leg for comfort, and it never left. It was the way they had spent more than one plane ride in their years together, but this time they weren't surrounded by fellow YRS employees. This time Ryan and Chester were in first class, sitting a few seats away from Forrest Mullan, not Mark Wakefield.

It was a relief when they finally arrived at the hotel after fighting New York traffic and snowy streets. Ryan and Chester hung back as Forrest took care of checking them into their rooms. "I should have brought a heavier coat," Chester whined as he shivered inside the hotel lobby.

Ryan had to laugh. "You're already wearing a winter coat. You've got fur on your hood," he said, poking at the brown fuzz all around the hood of Chester's green coat. "And a beanie on your head and gloves on your hands. I don't think you could get much else on, Chazzy, or you'd end up like that kid in A Christmas Story who couldn't put his arms down."

"I don't have that much on," Chester said, pointing a gloved finger at Ryan. "And I'm just saying, I'm not used to this cold. I know you like it," he offered, looking away from Ryan's shining blue eyes to the snow falling outside. "Living in Seattle has ruined you."

"I don't live in Seattle anymore," Ryan said as his thoughts turned to Jason and Julien. He already missed his husband and son. "Seattle was good to me," he mumbled. "As soon as we get to the room, I want to FaceTime with Jay. I've never been this far away from Julien. It's weird he's not right here."

Chester could hear the sincerity in Ryan's voice and he smiled as he cupped his friend's arm. "It will be alright, Ry. Julien will be fine. Mike and Jay got him, and he wouldn't have any fun hanging out with us this week anyway. There's no cartoons and he wouldn't have all his toys and blankets. And besides, there's no way you'd be able to concentrate on the shoots and interviews if Julien was here squealing and pooping his pants." He smiled, and he was happy to catch the same on Ryan's face. "You're a good dad, Ry. But it's okay to let Jay take the wheel while you're working."

"I know. I know Jay can handle it. I just miss them both already. Thanks, Chazzy," he said just as Forrest called their names. They turned to see him stepping close and handing them both key cards.

"Your room is on the fifth floor. I'm one floor below you on the fourth. Room 405, if there's an emergency," Forrest told them, and he was happy when they nodded in agreement. He was pretty sure there wouldn't be anything to worry about. Even though Ryan had gotten into waters where he didn't belong, Forrest had a lot of faith and trust in Chester. Forrest was counting on this trip to be drama-free and fruitful for both Score and Ryan's renewed career.

It didn't take long for the three of them to board the elevator. Forrest stepped off on the fourth floor and wished them both goodnight. Ryan happily led the way out of the elevator on the next floor, Chester's hand cradled in his own as they walked with backpacks over their shoulders, and dragging roller suitcases behind them.

"This is it," Ryan said when they stopped in front of room 512. He quickly flashed his room card in front of the lock and the little light turned green. They stepped in and Ryan turned the lights on. "This is nice," he said as he and Chester looked over the room that contained a king sized bed, two dressers, a television, a desk, a coffee station, and two armchairs by the window.

He watched as Chester walked over and dropped his backpack onto the bed. "Do you realize this is the first time we've ever shared a hotel room with only one bed?"

Chester was mid-yawn as he turned to face Ryan, who was moving a little slower into the room. "I did think about that. This is the first time we've ever shared a hotel room that wasn't for YRS. Our first time really being alone."

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