Shared Therapy

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A few days later was therapy day, and Mike wasn't looking forward to it. He had a music theory test the hour after his appointment with Dr. Digby, and he was trying not to think about that too much. His focus was on all that he needed to share with Jim, and he didn't want to forget anything.

It was the first time he'd seen his therapist since the week after they moved into the new house. He'd missed an appointment since then, and in between, he'd not only secretly made out with Ryan, but he'd made love with Jason and let Ryan fuck him. He'd left marks on Chester's delicate skin but carefully tended their marriage afterwards, and there had been enough sexual encounters sprinkled in with his husband that there was no doubt in a physical way, Mike was very satisfied. He wasn't having dreams, or urges that he couldn't handle, and emotionally things felt stable, even if there had been some touchy moments with Chester along the way. So far, the four of them living together had been working, despite Jim's reservations.

It's just been a little over a month.

Mike glanced over at Chester, who was driving him to campus. His car was getting new brakes and tires, and they'd pick it up on the way back home. It needed to be done before the girls were born, and there wasn't much time. How he was fitting in everything along with unpacking, teaching, studying, class, and practicing, he wasn't quite sure. "What are you going to do while I'm in my appointment and my class?" he asked.

Chester glanced across the car, just before they got to the parking lot. "I'm going to track Jordan down," he answered without issue as he scanned the rows of cars looking for an empty spot. "And I'll go say hi to Brad. Maybe he'll see something in my future." He flashed Mike a grin just before declaring a free spot and he pulled his red sports car right in.

"Brad?" Mike whined. "I want to see Brad. I want one of his breakfast tacos," he added, running a hand over his hair and patting it down. "It's been forever. That's the only thing I miss about living on campus. Tacos." He watched Chester shift into park and picked his backpack up from the floor. "Well, that and swimming more regularly. I was doing so good when we lived here. Now there's just not enough time."

He got out of the car and stretched before he slung his backpack over his shoulders and pulled the edges of his flannel together. "I know that's not going to get any better with the girls coming. Just a few semesters left, though. I'm ready to graduate."

"I'm ready for you to graduate too," Chester agreed as he walked around to meet Mike, taking his hand. "And I know it takes more time now, running back and forth between the house and campus, but I'm glad we moved." He barely glanced in the direction of their old campus apartment. It had been a blessing at the time, a place where they could rebuild their relationship. But there had been a lot of unrest for Chester while living on campus, and he was glad that season in their lives was over.

"I bet I can talk Brad into making you a breakfast taco. Maybe two," Chester teased as they walked. "You know he always made your food special for you at work."

There were a lot of buried memories of special tacos and drinks and other things that Brad had made for Mike, and he smiled briefly. "He did. Brad is a good guy." He was leading the way to the Student Services Center and Dr. Digby's office. The sidewalks were busy. It seemed like everyone was going to class as the semester drew to a close. They were just a few weeks away from finals, and then a break. Mike was looking forward to that part.

"He is a good guy," Chester affirmed as they weaved their way around the rest of the student body. "And Julien adores him. I could see "Brad" being his first word."

They both chuckled over that and a minute later Chester followed his husband into the Student Services building. They were still talking about Julien as they went and before Chester realized it, they were in front of an open office door. "Look at me walking you all the way up here," Chester pointed out with a cheeky smile. "I should get extra points."

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