Odd Man Out

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It was still early when Ryan's mind started to really become aware. He stretched his legs and pointed his toes as he yawned. The bed - his and Jason's bed - was warm and comfortable. More than comfortable, it was comforting. Being away from home for the last two weeks had made him miss what he was used to, despite enjoying his vacation in Seattle with Jason and Julien.

It's just good to be home.

He sucked in the air, and even that felt like home as it tripped memories and sensors inside his mind. This was one of his favorite places to be, and he was thankful being gone hadn't changed his feelings about that. Even though Jay's not here.

That was a somber thought as he yawned again and looked over. His husband was still in Seattle, but Ryan's first night back in the California King hadn't been a let down. He smiled instantly at the sight of Chester's peaceful face. He loved to see his friend sleeping without any trace of anxiety or worry plastered into his features, and this morning was a beautiful example of that. Chester's eyes were closed, his face relaxed with his lips barely parted while he slept. His mohawk looked sleep tossed and just added to the picture of innocence in Ryan's mind.

Chester was no more than twelve inches away - close enough that Ryan could easily reach out and touch him, but for the moment, he was content simply to watch. Right over Chester's shoulder, Mike was snuggled up close. Ryan couldn't see much of Mike's face, but he knew he was spooned in tight, with his lips ghosting the back of Chester's neck as he slept soundly, too. He could see Mike's hair - wild and everywhere, and with the blankets shoved down just a little from one or both of them getting up and down through the night to care for the twins, Ryan could see Mike's arm slung over Chester's middle.

It was always a little fascinating to watch the other couple sleep. It was all very different from how he and Jason slept. Usually Ryan ended up on his back, and Jason would normally roll to face the outside of the bed. Even if they started out snuggled up, by morning there would be breathing room and space between them - a fact neither of them minded.

But Mike and Chester were different. They were always glued together in just this position no matter what time in their sleeping cycle you checked on them. It was one more difference in how the two couples functioned, and Ryan could appreciate the differences. Even when the four of them slept in the same bed, Mike and Chester usually ended up in the middle for just this reason. Trying to break up their cuddle sleep usually didn't work.

And it doesn't bother me when they're in here with us, and separate me from Jay. It's always kinda funny to look over two people to see him sleeping or smiling back at me with that devilish smile of his. He's so handsome.

Ryan's heart sighed. Even though it had been less than a day since he'd left his husband back in Seattle, he missed him. Ryan closed his eyes, thinking back to last night and the FaceTime call that had happened. Jason had gotten to read a story with him and Julien before the boy had gone to bed. Then the phone was set up at the dining room table, where Ryan, Chester, and Mike all sat with coffee to say hello and ask how things were in Seattle. It was uncomfortable with Jason and Mike not really acknowledging each other and then when Lily and Lila had started screaming at the same time, it was just Ryan left at the table to tell Jason how much he loved him and was looking forward to seeing him in just two short days.

Something skeptical had crossed Jason's eyes in that moment, just before they'd said good night, and Ryan was trying not to dwell on it. His husband had to come home, and with the weekend coming up, he couldn't say he needed to work or go into the office. I know he's hurt, but Mike's right. He can't properly apologize or fix what his silly ass broke unless Jay's here. Unless they can talk face to face. Over the phone, it's just not the same as being in person.

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