Roll of the Dice

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Mike laughed softly to himself as he walked barefoot down the dark hallway toward Ryan and Jason's bedroom with his pillow in his hand. Chester was right behind him, holding his own pillow. It felt silly to be creeping through the house on the way to the big California king that they would all be piling into for the night - with no previous discussion. It was just assumed, and Mike thought it was funny. As they passed the girl's bedroom doors, Mike smiled. He and Chester had taken the time to organize all of the things from the baby shower, and had even sat down together to write thank you notes. All of the clothes, books, diapers, and wipes were neatly stored away in bins Chester had brought home just for that task.

Things between them had been good since the baby shower. The trip to Seattle and all that had happened afterwards seemed far away now, and none of it had crossed Mike's mind before agreeing to go out with Ryan and Jason for dinner tonight. It was the first Julien-free night the other couple had ever had when Mike and Chester weren't the ones watching the baby. Julien was at Brad and Elisa's, and the first thing Ryan suggested after dropping his son off was a night out. Mike didn't stop to analyze why he and Chester had been invited along for the first date night out, and even if he had, it probably wouldn't have made much difference. They'd had a good night full of Mexican food and laughter without passing the baby around, and now they were ready to continue the night at home - after a round of showers and changing into pajamas.

He stopped in the hallway outside Julien's room and turned to capture Chester in his arms. His pillow was wrapped securely around Chester's back as Mike pulled him close and kissed his face. "You ready for this, babe?" It was a serious question wedged between gentle pecks to Chester's warm, clean skin. For the past month, every intimate moment had been between only the two of them. Once Mike saw the way Ryan's hand kept drifting toward Chester's at the restaurant, though, he knew why they'd been invited out to dinner. The pause in being close with Ryan and Jason had been long, and tonight was a good opportunity to change that. Mike just wanted to make sure that was what Chester wanted.

Chester smiled as Mike kissed up and down the side of his face. The last few weeks had been more than reassuring to him. Their marriage was strong, and the extra attention his husband had showered on him since the Seattle trip had been exactly what Chester needed. It was reassuring that he hadn't had to ask for more of Mike's time. There had been no plan made or discussion over schedules. Mike had simply seen the need and filled it, and Chester was grateful.

"I'm ready to have fun with our friends," Chester answered simply, pulling back to see Mike's dark eyes. "Dinner was amazing, and I can't even remember the last time the four of us sat down to share a drink." The conversation from the restaurant popped into his head. At some point over cheese enchiladas and Jason's nasty fish tacos, it was decided that their after dinner treat would be sharing a bottle or two of wine and they would finish off the last pieces of the chocolate pie Chester had made the day before. It was all waiting for them in Jason and Ryan's room, ready for the four of them to sit together on the California King bed to drink, eat and enjoy each other.

"It's been a long time," Mike agreed as he let Chester go, only to find his hand to link their fingers together as he led them to the other bedroom. He'd enjoyed dinner, and the idea of having a glass of wine together and it not being a big deal was pleasant, too. It had only been a little surprising to hear Ryan and Jason talking about drinking again, and it was obvious they were both being cautious in the discussion. A bottle between the four of them would only be a glass each, and that seemed like a good way to ease back into having a little alcohol now and then.

Jason was sitting cross legged on the bed in his pajamas, and four glasses of red wine on the nightstand - two on each side. He was watching Ryan with the chocolate pie as he divided the remaining wedge between them. "Just a little slice for me," he reminded his husband. He knew if Chester had been plating it out, his extra would have gone to Mike. As it was, he saw Ryan divide the bigger piece into thirds after he took out Jason's slice, and it made him smile. Ryan was all about being fair.

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