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Ryan stood over Julien's crib. His son had laid down twenty minutes ago, but Ryan had stayed close by, wanting to make sure he was fast asleep before leaving the room. Mike's mom had left right after dinner, and the girls had just gotten put down, too. It meant the house was going to be quiet for the next few hours, and Ryan was looking forward to a bit of normalcy. The last few weeks since Lily and Lila had come home had been an upheaval to all their schedules. And Mike's mom being here has really put a damper on everything. Not just the four of us getting to be together, but everything. Chazzy always watching his language and his words and Jason staying in his office until right up to dinner time. I'm ready for life to go back to normal.

He knew it was a selfish thought, but the last few weeks had been such a harsh difference from what he was used to. And he knew it wasn't just him. He and Jason had spoken about this very subject multiple times. Their household had been running smoothly, and other than a few bumps in the road here and there, everyone seemed to be happy.

Ryan wasn't unaware of the times when Chester had struggled since they'd all moved in together, but that wasn't on his mind as he thought about the four of them. The time, attention, affection, and even sex between them all that he was missing was taking over his thoughts. Between turning Chester's offer down last night and knowing that the house was finally quiet and private for a bit, Ryan was hoping maybe something could come of it. He wasn't actually thinking sex, but maybe some group cuddles or kisses. Or both.

He rolled his eyes at himself. He was a grown man, and here he was getting excited over the idea of the four of them simply laying in the big bed together to share a few intimate moments. That reality brought a crinkle of thought to his forehead. Did he really miss Mike and Chester that much? He'd always enjoyed being physically close to Chester. Hugs. Kisses. Holding hands. Holding him. Laying down together. But now his thoughts were including Mike, too, along with Jason. He didn't just want to lay down with Chester. He wanted all four of them to lay down together.

Guess that's what happens when you're in a foursome, he laughed to himself before he reached down to lightly touch Julien's dark hair. "Night, buddy," he whispered, before he took the baby monitor and headed out to the living room.

It was strange to see it empty. All day long the living room had become just that - a space for life to happen. Between the bassinets and Mike's mom, there was always something happening in the common area space they all loved. Add Julien and Cheese into that mix, and normally it was a bustling place. But now it was silent. The girls were in the nursery for the night. Mike's mom had already left. Jason wasn't around, and Ryan recalled his husband mentioning he needed to straighten a few things up in his office after Julien's nightly bath and playtime on the bed were over. Mike wasn't anywhere to be seen either, and Ryan instantly decided he must be studying in the bedroom. There seemed to be a lot of that lately.

His attention swept the area and almost just as fast, his nose inhaled the smell of something delicious. He looked toward the kitchen, spotting Chester, and Ryan headed that way. "What's smelling so amazing in here?" he asked as he stepped behind Chester, wrapping his arms around his waist and pushing up against him a little. Chester was fresh from the shower, and was in gray pajama pants and a red muscle shirt. His skin was warm and Ryan could have eaten him up in that moment like he was a cookie. "Cookies?" he mumbled thinking he'd just said his thoughts out loud, but no. There were actual cookies lined up on the counter.

Chester leaned back against Ryan with a sigh. "Yeah. Snickerdoodles," he said, waving his hand towards the round disks. "They're Mike's favorite. He's studying so hard and still feeling...some type of way," he said, before he turned around to face Ryan. "He's so sad, Ry, and he won't tell me why," he confessed as he looked up into Ryan's sky blue eyes. "I keep asking him what's wrong and he won't tell me. I don't know what else to do. So I'm going to take him his favorite cookies."

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