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Her brother turned around, groaning at the sight of the swamp monster. "You've got to be kidding me."

Aang seized Katara's wrist, who still appeared to be in shock, before breaking into a run. Sokka followed suit.

"How did that thing find us?" Sokka shrieked, nearly tripping over stray vines. They fought their way through the swamp, which only seemed to get denser, and the monster even closer. The harsh wind battered their faces as nighttime approached.

"We can't keep running," Katara wheezed, her lungs burning. It was getting darker now, and their vision was restricted.

"She's right," Aang agreed, ducking behind a nearby tree, "we have to make a stand."

When the swamp monster arrived, covered in vines and confused as to which direction they went, Aang sent a blow of air in its direction.

The monster only roared back.

"I think you made it even more mad, airhead," Sokka mused.

"Oh shut up," Aang muttered.

Katara pulled water from a nearby pond, freezing it into water disks and throwing it.

The monster deflected her attacks, and they quickly hid behind the tree trunk.

Their efforts were futile, as it only regrew its vines.

"You guys," Sokka said. "Try aiming at its joints. That's it's weakest point."

While Katara was skeptical, she heeded her brother's advice and sliced at the major joints with ice. Hitting too many crucial points at once, the creature was unable to recover, and the vines fell away, revealing an elderly, shirtless man with frazzled hair.

"That was you?" Sokka exclaimed. "What was that about?"

The man scanned the group, raising his hands in defeat. "Please do not fight anymore, I am merely carrying out my duties by protecting the swamp."

"What do you mean?" Katara asked cautiously.

"You were harming it by cutting the vines and building a fire," he said, glancing at Sokka. "The swamp is living."

Guilt was written all over the prince's face. He quickly averted his eyes, "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"One must learn to protect and thrive alongside nature. It is only for them that we are able to live."

Sokka nodded.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Huu," he said, extending his hand.

Aang returned the handshake, "Avatar Aang."

Huu politely inclined his head at Aang. "It's a pleasure to meet you all."

"Would you by chance know about the hallucinations we saw here?" Sokka piped up.

"Allow me to show you something," Huu offered. To the group's agreement, he began to lead them through a path through the swamp.

"The swamp manifests to people as visions of deceased loved ones, showing that they are still present spiritually," Huu explained. "That was what you saw, yes?"

They nodded.

"Everyone sees something different in their visions," Huu continued, "but it is likely something that provoked strong feelings. I like to believe that the swamp intends not to hurt you, but to help you overcome your deepest regrets."

Huu brought them to a large tree, dense branches protruding from the trunk. "This tree is the heart of the swamp," he explained. "I achieved enlightenment under this tree, and saw how the entire swamp is the roots of the single tree spreading for miles."

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