Chapter 127: Back in Business

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"He's running late," Agata said, looking at his watch. "It's a power play."

"It's a fucking risky power play," Free muttered. "Pissing us off is not gonna quell things down. It's just gonna make us angrier."

"Just stay calm," Dolph said, pouring the three of them another round of drinks.

The club was closed and they were awaiting the arrival of a 'guest' to discuss terms of a truce with the last group in the Drusk to fall under their control. They practically owned it all, except for a small yet significant faction. The Shishigumi was back to its full power, if not more so. Thanks to their old boss returning.

"So," Free said, trying to break the silence that was just fueling his frustration. "Agata, are you still planning to get that face plate?"

"Might as well," the young lion shrugged. "With all the fighting almost done, I don't think my scary gaping face wounds will be as needed. And it will be nice to not have this handkerchief around the back of my head most of the day. It itches."

"Sabu didn't seem to mind," Free said.

"Well he's dead Free," Agata snapped, almost taking it as an insult. "I can't help it that this cloth bites."

"Calm down you two," Dolph warned. He could sense the hostility growing out of the tension in the air and was doing his best to keep it low. "Keep ghosts away from this meeting. They have no bearing here."

"The past does have a bearing on us," Free scowled. "It affects our present way of thinking. You can't move on to the future without first acknowledging the past."

"That's very deep and profound," Agata jeered. "You should be a philosopher."

"Well last I checked fancy quotes on paper don't pay bills," he answered. "Nor are they practical in any sense of the word."

"I heartily agree," the small voice said. "Words are just words. I only judge people on what they do. Not what they say."

"You mean what your bats tell you they do," Free snapped to the civet from Kopi Luwak. He had arrived flanked by three bats and was standing at the top of the staircase.

"Don Deshico," Dolph greeted. "Welcome. Please, take a seat."

He motioned to the table they had set up for the meeting with his prosthetic hook hand. The civet nodded and moved to the table.

"Who's leading this?" Free muttered to the other two.

"I'm already behind the counter if something goes out of hand," Dolph said, referencing the shotgun they kept under the counter. "Though I doubt that will be a problem."

"It's between us then," Free said, turning to Agata.

"Flip a coin?" the younger lion asked.

"Sure," Free answered, running a hand through his hair.

The youngest lion pulled out a coin from his pocket and tossed it up. He snatched it from the air and slammed it on the counter top.

"I'll take it if it's heads," Free offered.

Agata nodded and lifted his palm. The coin was on tails.

"Damn it," he groaned.

Free extended a hand to the table.

"After you," he smirked.

Agata sighed and moved to said table.

"Mr. Deshico," the younger lion greeted. "Thank you for agreeing to this meeting."

"Of course," the civet said. "The sooner our little squabbles end, the sooner we can both move on and continue our respective businesses of coffee and..."

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