Chapter 150: History is Written by Those That Speak First

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"You really shouldn't take medications not prescribed to you," Juno said weakly, through slurred speech. Through nothing short of a miracle, most likely due to how far off the shot came from, she was part of the 10% that survived the impact and part of 50% that survived the ER. Her entire head was wrapped and bandaged, covering the stitches in her skin and the staples through them keeping the cracks in her skull from splitting and growing larger from the outside. She was on anti-seizure medication as a precaution and though she could feel it, she had lost mobility in the left side of her body. The important thing is, she was alive.

"No one needs to know," the deer said, looking over his shoulder before taking a bottle of painkillers from the cabinet. He unscrewed the top and popped two into his mouth with a sudden backwards head tilt to help him swallow them. The habitual movement helped remind him about his strained neck. He reached up to rub and massage his neck, but by reaching up he almost pulled out the stitches in his side from the bullet wound.

Juno lifted her right arm and motioned for him to sit next to her. Louis carefully made his way over and pulled up a chair. He sat down and she carefully rubbed his neck, careful not to fully strain his nerves anymore than they already were. It felt good.

About a week since his attack on parliament, and no one had seen Razor since then. He was hidden deep in the shadows. No one had seen The Dragon or The Plague Doctor since then either. There were protests, fear, and more division than anyone had seen for a long time. Razor always worked from and in the shadows, but Shoji was better at it than Shoon. There were speculations that some online blogs were being run by him to take advantage of already extremist groups and push them to the farthest point of their sides. The more chaos around him, the harder it was to find and catch him. Shoji was a much more chaotic entity than Shoon.

"Anything?" she asked.

"On what?"

"Finding him."

Louis didn't answer. He hadn't been trying to find him. He was too ashamed to try. There was something that had happened in the years he hadn't been Adler. Adler wasn't as keen to come out and Louis, as Shoji said, had lost his edge.

"How long will recovery take?" he asked, changing the subject.

"A year at least," she said. "The main focus is letting everything heal. Then we'll see if I can regain control. Then focus on building muscle mass."

Louis raised his hand and took her arm, kissing it before nudging it with his face. He opened his mouth to speak.

"You'll pay," she interrupted with a little half smile. "I know."

He smiled back, kissing her hand again.

"I love you," he said.

"I know," she said.

He smirked at the same time his phone buzzed. He pulled it carefully out of his pocket and read the sender. The number was unknown, but the tone was familiar.

You might want to turn on the television within the next thirty seconds, Pina texted. Something...big. Just so you know, I don't believe one bit of it but there are people in high places that just want everything swept under the rug to get things back to normal.

"What's going on?" Juno asked as Louis stood and turned on the television, flipping to a news station. He didn't hear the news anchor as he saw the video thumbnail waiting to be played, and the headline plastered on the lower fourth of the screen. Adler and Razor: Criminal Confidants? The thumbnail filled the screen, and Shoji started talking.

"My name is Shuji Junjii," he said, completely serious. "And this is my confession."

That's when the world started to spin and blur.

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