Chapter 146: Evil Reincarnate

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“No,” Azuki demanded. “Tell me exactly how sniping a handful of civilians helps you to get me Louis’ remaining Horns Conglomerate stock?”

“It doesn’t,” The Plague Doctor answered. “But as I’ve explained, you are no longer incharge.”

“Well who is?!” she screamed, getting directly in his face.

“My employer,” the jackal answered.

“I am your employer,” she stressed.

“No,” the plague doctor said. “You hired my employer, who sent us as proxy.”

“Unbelievable,” she said, turning to Reina, who was to the side, lounged on a couch and watching the doctor get chewed out by Azuki in the middle of their penthouse apartment. He just stood there in his black suit, hands clasped behind his back and head down. He was just repeating the same things over and over.

“Who is your employer?” the leopard asked.

“I don’t know,” he answered. “And as I’ve said before, I can’t contact him. He will contact you if he feels it necessary to.”

“Well I deem it necessary,” Azuki snapped. “How do I contact him?”

He shrugged.


“What do you mean he just walked away?” Masumi asked, surrounded by the fiery wreckage.

“Someone ambushed the convoy,” an officer answered as the fire department quickly moved in to put out the flames. “That’s all we know.”

“That’s all anyone seems to know,” she snapped.

“Chief!” someone shouted.


“Someone’s hacking the city center jumbotron,” they called back.

Her heart sank. She marched over to look on. Sure enough, down the street, coding ran over the screen as a program ran over the black screen. As loud, siren-like screams sounded from the screen’s sound system as the hack went through. Her insides immediately twisted when she saw the face.

“Hello Cherryton,” they said. “Did you miss me?”


“What the hell is going on?” Azuki demanded as Reina got up and looked out the window.

“Something at the center of the city,” she answered. “I can’t see it.”

“Last chance,” Azuki said. “Where. Is. Your. Employer?”

“Speak of the devil and he shall appear,” someone said, opening the apartment doors and just stepping in without even knocking. Entering in behind him was the kangaroo, face in a portable computer as he typed away one handed.

“Hack went through sir,” they said, bending the computer backwards and snapping the screen off.

“Excellent,” they said, pulling down their hood. “Now…is someone asking to see me?”

Azuki swallowed and Reina froze. 


The black gas mask was unmistakable. The outfit matched and everything added up too quickly and it all became too real too suddenly.

“Well I’ve missed you,” Razor said. “It’s been a long time. How have you been? I’ve been really busy since my death. You know, after I was murdered and brutally eaten by that vigilante.”

“Get this transmission to stop,” Masumi ordered.

“They tried turning it off,” someone said. “But it’s getting power from somewhere else.”

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