Chapter 143: Terror: Part 1

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The early morning was brisk. The air felt clear, and the colors popped like a coloring book. There was nothing different than any other day. Chan pushed her child down the street in the stroller, following the street they always took. Around 34th and 22nd street, at the bus stop, the spider-monkey met up with her friend Suki, as usual. She had her own child in a stroller

Beautiful day, she greeted. Everything seems so clear.

That it does, the other spider-monkey agreed.

The two continued on their walk down the road.

So how is the little one? Chan asked.

Like a switch, Suki answered. It feels only yesterday that they were a tiny, cooing infant. And now, never stops with the noise.

Tell me about it, Chan said. One day Talik was the sweetest kid Id ever known. The next day, no had become a form of art.

Hes discovering his inner sense of self, Suki said in his defense.

Hah, Chan laughed. More like his inner monster. You just wait until Jackie plants her feet in the middle of a toy section and screams bloody murder.

Suki rolled her eyes and Chan held up her hand to pause their walk. She walked to check up on her child.

Im serious , she said, adjusting her sons jacket. Children dont need independence. They need structure, and discipline. Makes them feel safe.

There was the sound of a distant explosion. It was far off and didnt raise any alarms. But then, Chan looked up and saw Suki clutching her neck with one hand, still gripping her stroller with the other.

Suki? she asked. You okay?

Blood started to seep from the monkeys hand, staining her scarf and clothes. A look of pain, shock, and terror plastered Sukis face and her baby started to scream.

Oh my god, Chan breathed, hurriedly standing up and rushing to her friend's side as she collapsed. Some-someone call the police!

Is she alright? someone asked, running up to the screaming mother.

Just call! she screamed back.

The otter almost tripped running into a nearby restaurant.

Suki? she asked as the body slowly slipped down to the ground. Blood continued to seep from the wound, soaking everything around them as the baby continued to scream and cry.


Female victim named Suki Morris took one in the neck, the leopard said. She was walking her baby with her friend Chan Takan. The friend says she heard a shot, looked over, Suki was on the ground.

Any other witnesses? Manabu asked.

Just a restaurant owner, the cat answered.

I got him, Kou said, pulling out a notepad and jogging a little.

The zebra approached the otter, side-glancing the crime scene.

What have we got? the tiger asked, motioning to see the victim. A medical examiner pulled back the cloth and Manabu got a better look at the crime.

Shot looks through and through, he said. Whered the slug end up?

We cant find it, Kira said, standing up. No shell casing either.

Any idea what kind of weapon? the detective asked.

Shot came from a distance, the owl answered. But with no slug or shell casing

They shrugged and Manabu looked up and around the surrounding area.

Then where was the shooter? he asked.

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