Chapter 133: A Normal Life?

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"I assume from the amount of strain in your eyes that the auction went as intended," Yuta said.

Louis nodded with a slight roll of his eyes. The sheep stood to help his friend alleviate the jacket from the deer's shoulders and hang it on the coat hook.

"The paperwork is all squared away?" Yuta asked.

"Yes," Louis answered, going for a glass and some liquor. "Vaasman will go over the rest of it and deal with that aspect."

"So where will you be living?" his butler asked.

Louis raised an eyebrow, pouring his glass on the kitchen island.

"I'm not moving into The Drusk Yuta," he said, putting down the decanter. "That would really be damning evidence against me, and then the police and the DA could really come after me."

He reached into the freezer and grabbed a few ice cubes, dropping them into the glass with three plinking sounds.

"Besides," he continued, lifting the alcohol to his lips. "Dolph technically owns it. I just bought the place and put his name down on all the paperwork."

He sipped the cold drink and swallowed the chilling burn down his throat.

"He's the one living there and will continue to manage the place in my stead," he finished.

"I meant the mansion sir," Yuta said. "Construction has finished, you are free to move back in if you so wish."

"Oh," Louis said. "Built to the same specifications as before?"

"As best as they could," Yuta said. "That's one of the reasons why I'm here."

"And the other?" Louis asked, going for another sip from his glass.

"There's been a sudden drop in your bank account," the sheep answered.

"Yeah I wanted to ask you to look into that," he said.

"Already did," the sheep said.


The sheep shrugged.

"The account no longer exists," he said.

Louis stood dumbstruck.

"What?" he asked.

"The account isn't there," the sheep repeated.

"I just tried to use it and all I got was a bubble saying 'negligible funds'," Louis said.

"Well between then and ten minutes before you walked through the door it was deleted," Yuta said with another shrug. "I tried calling the bank, but they can't find any records of it. It's been wiped from existence. And since there are no records, we can't find where the money went."

"Well, money of that magnitude doesn't just vanish," Louis said, snapping a little. "Someone emptied it and then deleted it."

"I have people looking into it," Yuta said. "The bank is even looking through their systems. In the meantime, they set up a separate account with some funds available to you. As an apology for this error. I've been adjusting everything to that account."

"How much?" Louis asked.

"The most they could do was one-point-five million yen," Yuta said.

Louis leaned on the island. He wondered if Reina and Azuki's appearances had anything to do with this. They rarely showed themselves in public anymore, let alone in the same room as him. Maybe they had hired someone to hack his account and transfer the money to theirs. They just wanted to be there to watch him bury himself. They were after his fortune and his stocks. But he wouldn't be buried. Not yet.

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