Chapter 147: Burning the Midnight Oil

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The government building was loud and bustling. Particularly the parliamentary room. The day had gone by normally, and therefore quickly. However, when the attack happened and the broadcast went through in the center of the city, there was a sudden recall of all government officials. Razor’s sudden re-emergence had left them shaken. They really couldn’t tell if this copycat was serious, let alone what they wanted. The general consensus was that he wanted something to do with them, as his message seemed to be aimed at someone in power. They were just assuming. Once the members were all accounted for, the doors were closed and locked. Razor’s five hour timer was about to reach zero, and no one wanted to know what was going to happen.

“Meeting is called to order at 12:55am this day Septembwr 10th,” said the anteater chair and head of the parliament. She said this under her breath to the record keeper. This was just to make the meeting official and give them a reason to meet in this secured place.

“Now what?” her aide asked.

“Now we wait,” she answered.

The livestream of the clock countdown had only two and a half minutes left on the clock. All the members were anxiously chatting amongst themselves, talking about nothing until the timer approached zero. Silence fell on the room as the timer counted down. The last one turned into a zero, and the feed went static for a few seconds before cutting to a new live video feed. The angle showed their own screen.

“By the way,” Razor said from his seat in the back. “Your security? It really sucks. I just waltzed in through the chaos, and they let me in the front door.”

There was a sudden uproar of panic as the terrorist stood, making himself known. He was dressed in his all usual black attire. His hood was down, a camera strapped to his head, recording the live stream they were seeing. 

The armed security rushed in and, to everyone’s shock, fired their weapons in the air to silence them.

“Everyone has a price,” Razor said, the echo sounding from the delay in the video. “So, now that I’ve taken control of the situation…”

The animal stood from loungin in his seat and jumped over everyone’s heads. He landed on the railing and pulled out a small revolver, shooting out the speakers of the screen to silence the feedback. He then dropped down to the main floor.

“Meet the newest Jade Hybrid gang,” he announced. “Not looking too bad, if I do say so myself. And I do. Well…now that everyone’s here, and I’m clearly live to the entire city, shall we get down to brass tacks?”

No one said a word. No one moved. Too afraid and shocked.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” he continued. “I would like to speak with your god.”

There was a sudden hush over the crowd.

“You heard me properly,” Razor said. “I would like to speak to your revered god. I believe he takes the form of a large fish? So my contacts tell me.”

No one said a word.

“No?” Razor asked.

Not a shuffle.

“Okay,” he said. A snap of his fingers and the armed guards cocked their weapons, sending the entire room into an uproar. Delegates pushed over each other, trying to get as far from the weapons as possible. A boar took it upon himself to charge one of the gunmen, but Razor was quick. He pulled off a shot that stopped the animal in its tracks as they collapsed. The masked terrorist walked over and let an entire clip empty into the animal. Before pointing upward. A short burst went into the ceiling.

“Let's try again!” Razor shouted, regaining control. “The whale.”

The circular room was filled with a representative from every species, and not one made a move, nor made a sound.

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