Chapter 145: Dinner

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"Well, now I know you're apologizing," Juno smirked. "This place is damn fancy."

The restaurant was on the top floor of a building. A usual hangout spot for high society executives and their families. It was the usual, stereotypical, quiet restaurant all done up with fancy tablecloths, silverware, and curtains. Subtle classical music played over the speakers. Quiet enough for an easily ignorable ambiance, yet loud enough for you to hear it if you wanted. The color scheme was, as usual, white gold. The room was saturated with it, and the crystal chandeliers mixed with the small arrangement of tea-light candles in the middle of every table only exemplified that fact.

Despite this overbearing colorscheme, it was a color so that no one felt out of place. A basic color allowed everyone to elegantly stand out. Them especially. They matched. Her in a red dress with a diamond necklace. Louis was dressed in what had become his favorite, signature red suit with the dark, pine-forest-green undershirt. He wore a thin black tie with it this time.

Juno had been worried that this date wouldn't have been possible, given the crazed individual shooting people once an hour that morning. A horrible tragedy swiftly taken care of by none other than the DA himself, who at present was still in hospital with a concussion from the ordeal. But here they were, and with a window seat too. A small table for two with a window that overlooked the city. Behind Louis seat was a door that led out to a small balcony, not for seating. It was more of a place individuals could go to smoke or take a call without disturbing the atmosphere of the place.

"How much -"

"Reservations are free," Louis said. "You just need to call ahead for them. The food and service are what'll do you in."

"Ah," Juno nodded.

"Evening sir and madam," a waiter said, coming up to their tables with the usual water pitcher. "Welcome. Might I start you off with any drinks. Or perhaps a wine selection?"

Louis looked at Juno as if expecting her to answer.

"Make it red," she responded. "Surprise us."

"Certainly madam," the horse said with a little bit of a bow as he turned to go fetch the bottle.

"So am I going to be leading most of the ordering?" she asked across the table.

"If you want," Louis answered. "I can afford it."

"I know you can," the wolf said. "And first of all, dont think you can just buy back -"

"I never intended for it to come across that way," Louis said. "Bought trust is fragile at best, if not nonexistent."

She looked him up and down with a smirk.

"Good to know we're on the same page," she said, leaning back to a more upright and comfortable position.

The waiter returned with the bottle.

"Would either of you care to hear our specials today?" he asked, expertly pouring them both a glass of the wine selection, holding the bottle in one hand and the two glasses in the other.

"Just a minute with the menu, please," she answered.

The horse nodded as he turned to leave.

"Not even a little interested?" Louis asked.

"I've found that in places like this, the more pricey something is, the less food you actually get," she answered. "That and the idea of specials makes no sense to me."

"They're dishes special to the day," Louis tried explaining.

"No," she said, eyes already scanning the menu she had picked up. "It's a list of usual dishes they have on a cycle to make it appear like it won't come again. Occasionally they’ll throw in a new one to continue to make you think that, but its just usual dishes sold at unusually high prices to give them a bit of a pay bump."

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