Chapter 154: Relief

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"Charges are dropped," Peter Vaasman said in a hushed tone. "Not enough evidence and what they had was circumstantial. Circumstantial and...mislabeled."

Legoshi nodded.

"Thank you again," the wolf said.

"No problem," the fox said. "And if you ever find yourself in need of a lawyer, you know how to contact me."

The fox hung up and Legoshi hung up, slipping the cell phone in his pocket. He then straightened and breathed. It had been three months since Louis threw himself from that building and committed suicide. The deer's death made headlines for a few weeks but then faded into the aftermath. Namely where his money and assets not in police custody were going, and why it was going there. What was going to happen to The Drusk now that the vigilante wasn't patrolling? Legoshi didn't really care about that. Since the cervid died, the world seemed a little less bright.

The public was still reeling from Razor's attacks and the accusations. There was great distrust in the government and the world felt like it would never be the same. Something was off and it would be a long time before it settled again. The public was divided and there wasn't anything to heal that divide but time. The mayor was doing all he could to keep the waters calm, and Jack controlled his position as DA with an iron-fist, prosecuting who he could to help the mayor in that endeavor. He was so busy, it had been a while since the two spoke. He was worried that their bond of friendship may be fading.

He looked at the spot. Blood was still stained on the sidewalk from where he impacted. The site had some small candles lit, some wilting flowers, and someone had graffitied a bust mural of Adler and Louis standing back to back. Very artsy with vines growing up both and intertwining in the antlers, locking them together. This was the most recent graffiti, yet to be destroyed by the other side of the public opinion spectrum. Those that thought of Adler/Louis as a monster. The wolf looked over his shoulder, to make sure there were no cops. Seeing the cost was clear, he took the muzzle out of his pocket and laid it on the concrete at the base of the mural.

He then stood and walked around to the back of the theater building where there were trucks and cars being packed up. He walked up to the bustling animals and stood with his hands in his pockets, watching for who he was there to meet. He heard her before he saw her. The clicking tap of a cane. She hobbled out of the building, carrying a duffel in her one good hand.

"Need help?" he asked.

Juno looked in his direction, smirking slightly at his appearance.

"No," she shook her head. "Tamad!"

A bear looked over and came to take the duffel from her.

"My car," she said. "Please."

"Yes Juno," they said.

"You're recovering quickly," Legoshi observed.

"Ahh I'm just gritting my teeth and bearing it," she waved away with her weak side.

"How are you doing?" he asked.

She swallowed before breathing in deeply and exhaling.

"I'm doing alright," she said. "I don't think I will ever recover from his death. I don't think anyone ever does."

She looked down and away at the cane.

"It's going to be difficult," she added. "He...really amazing deer. Despite his faults I could see the true him."

She looked up and smiled, wiping away a tear forming in her eye.

" goes on," she said, doing her best to push it aside with a sad smile. "And here we are."

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