Chapter 151: I Never Wanted This For Anyone

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"The warrant covers everything that is everywhere," Detective Manabu called out. "I want this place torn upside-down and inside-out."

Detectives swarmed all over the mansion. They had a warrant, drafted by the DA and signed this morning by a judge, to search all of the ex-chairmen's properties for anything related to criminal activities. Namely, documents that would tie him to any criminal organizations. Payments to known mafia/mob members, collection of large sums of money from questionable sources. This was just a general collection, to be looked at closer back at the station by investigators. The primary purpose of this raid though, was to look for anything tying him to Adler. Any costume piece, any armament that looked remotely Adler was going to be collected.

Detective Manabu took the stairs up to the second floor, coming across a large, wooden, locked door. Agents were in the process of forcing the door.

"No keys?" the tiger asked.

"Nothing," the officer said. "Listening to the radio, it seems no one is here. Not even staff. No staff, means no keys."

"Breach!" the team leader shouted.

The ram went into the door lock and blew out the deadbolt. Manabu stepped into the room and just looked at the desk. He walked up, careful not to step on any of Adler's gadgets and kits that were splayed over the floor. He reached forward and felt the fabric through his gloved hand, a surge of surrealism exploding through his body. Splayed out, fully on display, was the entire Adler costume. The arms splayed over the desk with the legs draped over the front. It didn't look entirely deflated, as there was armoring left in the fabric, giving it some form. The mask had been shattered to pieces, with the shards displayed at the outfits neck in a way that shows the original shape, like a 3D structure laid out in 2D. The cape was hung up on one shoulder of the desk's chair, with the wide brimmed hat hanging off the other. The gun laid on one side of the desk, the blade of Adler's sword stabbed into the wood through the weapon's trigger-guard.

"It gets easier," the officer said.

Manabu looked over, and the fireplace was opened, with access to a passage. And next to the fireplace were stacks of papers. The detective carefully made his way over to the passage and looked at the stacks of paper.

"These tie his entire family to the Back Alley," he said.

"Anything on the Shishigumi?" the officer asked.

"Nope," he said. "Conveniently devoid of gang names."

"Well it's something we can use on the chairman."

"Box all this up!" Manabu shouted.


"That's all I know," Legoshi said.

Vaasman looked over to the agents jotting down notes. He had just shown up, courtesy of Louis. Though he also knew nothing.

"Well?" the fox asked.

The agents took their time looking over all their notes before individually scanning the transcript. They closed their notepads individually at their own pace before discussing amongst themselves.

"Where is my wife?" the wolf asked calmly.

"She's in the next room with one of my associates," the lawyer answered. "Undergoing the same process as you and everyone else that has had known contact with Louis."

Legoshi sighed before shifting his place in his seat. He scanned the panel of detectives talking amongst themselves. He had made sure to give them as little information as possible. Ever since he last spoke with Louis a week ago, he had been thinking and formulating answers to every possible question they could throw at him. He thought he had done pretty good, but he was still trying to gauge how well he had done. There were still some questions they had yet to ask and he knew they were going to.

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