Chapter 136: A Warning

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"Good work on that fine print," Judge Kittu said. "Even I didn't know the warrant covered that much of the records."

"All legal of course," Jack said, returning to the judge's desk with two glasses of brandy.

"Of course," the hippopotamus smirked.

They toasted to the successful raid before sipping from the glasses. Jack took a seat in the faux leather armchair. He sank into it and just let himself relax. There was nothing else to do other than wait to hear what was found. Which should be any minute now. He had been working relentlessly, tirelessly skimming over as many law books as he could. Looking for all the loopholes until he had solidified a fool proof search warrant. They would tear that fox's office apart until they found everything they could. Every dust speck that the Shishigumi were related to.

"Remind me again," Kittu said. "How long has this been coming?"

"Months," the retriever answered, loosening his tie and shirt collar, unbuttoning his blazer. "Months of very little sleep and restless nights-"

"-and accrued vacation days," the hippo said pointedly.

"I will be putting them to good use after this," Jack chuckled.

Judge Kittu chuckled with him.

Jack downed the rest of his drink before standing to get another.

"You seem confident," the hippo said to her constituent.

"I am," Jack said, picking up the decanter. "Because despite the mayor's efforts, it is going through."

"That suck up," she shook her head. "When he was running, he took such a strong stance on eliminating crime. Then he gets elected and grows a fear center in his brain."

"He's a coward," Jack said, returning to his chair. "I smelled it on him. Big words, little meaning."

At that moment, the phone rang and Jack sat forward waiting intently. The judge put her drink down and held up a hand to keep him quiet as she picked up the phone.

"Judge Kittu," she answered. "Uh-huh."

Jack's excitement slowly dropped as the judge continued her conversation. Her smile, which they were sharing, melted more and more as the call progressed. He felt a rage start to rise in him.

"Understood," she said. "Thank you for your time."

The phone went on the ringer.

"We got some things on small splinter groups," she said. "But nothing to take down the central group directly."

Jack controlled his shaking, finishing his drink, calmly placing it on the judge's desk, before punching the arm of the chair as he vaulted up and began angrily pacing.

"I took everything into account," he growled.

"The warrant covered his place of work," she said. "However he took some files home with him to work on there."

"Which is a whole new statute of limitations I'll have to sift through for another few months in which time they'll have figured out my next move and planned accordingly!" Jack shouted.

"They'll always be a step ahead of you," she said. "Believe me I know. Fighting organized crime is like chasing a cockroach. You'll tear your house apart trying to catch it. Let alone what you'll do to kill it."

Jack hunched down in a crouch and took off his glasses, rubbing his eyes.

"I was this close," he said, demonstrating with his fingers.

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