Follow the Rabbit (Jaina Hudson, aka White Rabbit)

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"I'm glad we could do this again" She whispered, a smile on her face as she stared directly into the magnificent eyes of the man across from her. She was currently wearing a turquoise sleeveless dress, with her black hair tied up slightly. She really had been enjoying her meetings with the man, though more often than not it looked like the two of them were on a date. She could only imagine just how many more reunions the two would have if they kept it up. She knew that their apparent dates couldn't be more frequent, both of them having their respective responsibilities to do. But she was genuinely enjoying meeting with the man. "I've been looking forward for this day, Bruce"

"As they say... 'Never too busy to enjoy dinner with a beautiful woman'" She blushed a bit, her already dark skin gaining a noticeable hint of red on her cheeks. Though, at the same time, she wanted to laugh. She had seen that same line on a dating manual not too long ago. Thankfully he fixed it by being his charming self. Bruce Wayne really did have his way with women, and she was experiencing first hand for the third time in her life. She was thankful that he did not use this line on their first two encounters, she would have broken immediately. "Though it is good to see you again, Jai"

She softened her gaze, the nickname that he had given her making her heart clenched against her chest quite strongly. She felt slightly ashamed, knowing full well that her double, the villainess known as White Rabbit, was out there causing mayhem yet here she was having the time of her life with a man that had slowly started to worm his way into her heart. Guilt ran through her mind as she kept staring at the man in front of her, yet what her doubles does brings her an unimaginable amount of pleasure.

"Same here, Bruce" She said, extending her hand towards him, which was immediately held caringly by the man across from her. She smiled at him, her heart throbbing against her chest, the warmth that coursed across her body from the slight contact between the two was telling her more than she wanted to admit. It was surreal, a feeling that she never expected to have in her entire life. Yet Bruce Wayne was able to draw them out with such ease. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

An immediate silence went across from the two, which alarmed her quite greatly. Jaina Hudson was without a shadow of a doubt fearless, but the sudden shift in his expression even made her sweat a bit. The serious look on her face seemed very familiar, but she couldn't quite place it. Before she could notice, his hold tightened quite a bit. It was not strong enough to hurt her, but she noticed the shift in strength from the man in front of her. She stared directly into his eyes, trying to figure out what had happened to the man who had conquered her heart.

"Why did you lie to me, Jai?" She opened her eyes wide in fear, her body trembling slightly. She was able to recognize that stoic tone. She didn't know just how he was able to figure her out, but there was no doubt in her mind that his tone could be replicated by anyone. She had just found out that Bruce Wayne had been Batman all along. Regret filled her instantaneously, her guilt returning full force after she squashed it earlier into their conversation. They could have gotten even more time with each other if it wasn't that she was helping Bane get the necessary Venom to be able to get even stronger.

"I can't help it... I love the thrill, Bruce" She avoided his stare, her heart clenching tightly as her eyes threatened to release tears. Her eyes opened wide in shock, realizing something that had happened the day before. She looked at him, specifically at the right side of his ribcage. She hurt him, dangerously harming him and possibly causing a lung to be puctured by a bone. "B-Bruce... Your ribs..." She tried to get her hand near his ribcage. She wanted to see if he was better, her mind already trying to see if she could contact her other half to herself back again. She needed to stop, at least for his sake. She didn't want to see him hurt by her hand ever again. But she couldn't, the same hand that was holding her did not allow her to move further. She started to cry a bit, her green eyes staring at him pleadingly. "Please... I have to make things right"

"You can check after we are done eating" She slowly nodded, carefully accommodating herself against her chair once again. She looked at him, his eyes softening ever so slightly. That brought a small smile on her face, her heart relaxing quite a bit. She really hoped that she would be able to amend everything that she had ever done to him as the White Rabbit. She needed him to know that she was willing to change for him, with her first action being to reveal to him every location that she knew Bane was using. But the restaurant was really not the ideal place to discuss, so she kept silent. "I can feel that you're sorry, Jai. But it will take time to-"

"I'll tell you everything... Please, forgive me..." She interrupted him, already prepared to tell him everything he may need to know. She never expected to feel this broken after just lying to someone that held her heart dearly. She would never understand just how other people would easily betray someone else like it was nothing, but she couldn't. The disappointed eyes of the man in front of her were replaying itself in her mind, breaking her resolve time and time again. "Please..."

"Let's go then, Jai. And please, trust me this time" She nodded, her other hand going for a tissue to finally dry her cheeks from the tears that she let out. She stood up, standing right beside the man as they walked out of the restaurant. She held his arm tightly, afraid to ever lose him from her life. She didn't expect that their first encounter, which was with him shamelessly flirting with her, would evolve into what it had become. But she was happy, her mind was determined to make it up to him. And maybe they could get dessert after everything was said and done, she definitely could say that it was what convinced her that she was really attracted to the man she now knew was the Dark Knight of Gotham.

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